As if it would surprise any of you that know me to be late... This is a good excuse, though, so I'm already forgiven. (Thanks.) Last week was pretty much a whirlwind of things going on - we had to pack up and move out of our rental by Saturday 12/22, as you know. I stressed about it all day Friday, knowing my husband was there alone finishing up everything. I mean, I couldn't lift anything anyway, but when he told me, "I just need you here," when I called him during my lunch break, I realized that taking the day off of work would have been much smarter. I was looking for things to do at the office, I had gone thru my work so quickly. Anyway, by the time I got off work (they let us go 30 min early), Don & his friend were finishing up, my mom was there helping out, and we just had a few more things to do. We packed up the remainder of things (our clothes, etc) into our 4 cars and drove off. Phew! Saturday, we drove back out there and cleaned up, got any extra things we couldn't fit Friday night (cleaning supplies, etc) and got ready to make our escape. In all the "fun" of cleaning both bathrooms, I must've had some water on my shoe, because as I was rounding a corner, I slipped & fell. It scared me! I slipped, went down on one knee, then the other, and caught myself w/my hand. I literally saw my life flash before my eyes when I noticed the corner of the wall right at my left eye. Don came running over asking what happened, and I just started crying. Well, I tried to, at least. No tears. I told him what happened, he consoled me w/a chuckle (nervous, I'm sure), and then I cried for real. Ah tears. You know when you want to cry, but no tears come out, and it's such a disappointing feeling? I never cry, well, rarely if ever, so this new hormonal thing is interesting. So ya, that happened. We were all done and out of there by 3'ish, so the whole day wasn't shot. Note to self: hire cleaners next time, especially if pregnant. OMG, I overdid it w/the bending over, scrubbing the tub/shower, even doing the mopping. When we close on the house, I will take the day off, hire someone to clean & not worry! The one good thing that came from all that moving around - I got to feel some kicks from the baby!
So here is a recap of week 21.
How far along? 21 weeks
Total weight gain/loss? I'm at prebaby weight
Maternity clothes? Yes! I love showing the bumpette - I find myself showing it off more than not
Stretch marks? no
Sleep? yes
Best moment this week? Moving out of the rental and being done w/that mess.
Miss anything? Not really
Movement? A little movements on Saturday!
Food cravings? Nothing out of the ordinary
Anything make you queasy or sick? not right at the moment
Have you started to show yet? Yep! And am getting some belly rubs, too.
Gender? Girl -- Ava Elizabeth
Labor signs? no
Belly button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody? Exhausted but happy!
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Sunday, December 16, 2012
20 weeks - halfway there!
Well this week certainly has been quite the busy one! We had our office Christmas party that was fun!
We started to pack up the house & are getting ready to move! We haven't heard anything on the house we are trying to purchase, just that it's been approved, but we're still waiting on the official letter of approval to start the appraisal, inspection, etc. It may not be all complete until the first of 2013, so we're just going along with things patiently. The rental had to get a new roof, and the geniuses that did it took forever... It was finally done on Thursday, and my storage container was to be delivered Friday. The dumpster that was being used just had to get out of the way - and getting that done was like pulling teeth! We told our landlord it had too be gone by Thursday to make room for our container on Friday a.m., and wouldn't you know that did not happen until literally the very last minute. As in when my container truck was about to be backed in the yard, the dumpster pick up swooped right in and quickly took it away - all the while rooting up our sweet neighbors' grass. But it's gone, our container is here and we quickly got started packing & loading it yesterday morning, with the help of my mom, my bro & friend for a bit. Today, same thing. We have all week, but I seriously think we can be done by Monday night, and they could pick it up to go to storage on Tuesday. That's great b/c more work needs to be done on this house & we can't take off work to be here to let them in anymore... you know what? I'm not going to get into that - it's a long, frustrating story w/this move to get out of here by Christmas, and let's just say that while we are frustrated & slightly annoyed at how this is going down, we're super thankful that we aren't going to be homeless (thanks mama!) and I'm no more pregnant than I am, or that we have to worry about totin' around a baby. So... exhale..............
Since we have been packing I'm going to spare my husband from taking a pic of me at 20 weeks, but maybe I'll swing one later on. I'm just tired looking and lazy! So here is my post!
How far along? 20 weeks - halfway there!
Total weight gain/loss? 0 - I'm at prebaby weight
Maternity clothes? Yes! I love showing the bumpette
Stretch marks? no
Sleep? yes, as usual, and interrupted each day at 3a.m. to go potty. the usual!
Best moment this week? My husband walked by me & rubbed my belly, then said "you're bumpy!" it was cute :) and we FINALLY got to see & tell his mom & stepdad!
Miss anything? Not really
Movement? No
Food cravings? Nothing out of the ordinary
Anything make you queasy or sick? peppermint hershey kisses, poo. :( and they're so tasty!
Have you started to show yet? Yep!
Gender? Girl -- Ava Elizabeth
Labor signs? no
Belly button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody? Happy (and tired from packing up!)
preview pic from the photo shoot!
Total weight gain/loss? 0 - I'm at prebaby weight
Maternity clothes? Yes! I love showing the bumpette
Stretch marks? no
Sleep? yes, as usual, and interrupted each day at 3a.m. to go potty. the usual!
Best moment this week? My husband walked by me & rubbed my belly, then said "you're bumpy!" it was cute :) and we FINALLY got to see & tell his mom & stepdad!
Miss anything? Not really
Movement? No
Food cravings? Nothing out of the ordinary
Anything make you queasy or sick? peppermint hershey kisses, poo. :( and they're so tasty!
Have you started to show yet? Yep!
Gender? Girl -- Ava Elizabeth
Labor signs? no
Belly button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody? Happy (and tired from packing up!)
preview pic from the photo shoot!
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
A little church on Tuesday
I am moved to tears this morning, by one of my favorite hymns, "How Great Thou Art." I grew up in baptist churches singing this song, and listening to my grandparents sing it over and over. I hope y'all enjoy it, as Carrie Underwood sang it so beautifully! I love the old guitar sounds from Vince Gill, too. I'm not so much a country fan, but they sure can sing some gospel hymns like no other. God bless y'all, and know that He truly is great!
Watch "Carrie Underwood with Vince Gill How Great thou Art - 720P HD - Standing Ovation!" on YouTube
Sunday, December 9, 2012
19 weeks!
Hey y'all!
Hope everyone had a good week, we're about 2 weeks closer to Christmas - can y'all believe it? I can't! But then again, we've got so much to do before then that I've kinda lost track of it. We've got to start packing this week b/c sadly, our things did not hop into the boxes I brought home by themselves last week... I'm having the storage box delivered to our place on Friday, so we'll start loading it up next Saturday! So... much... fun... But hey, it's for the cause. I got a call from the lender on the house we're buying, and the loan was approved, so we're waiting for the official approval letter before the appraisal is ordered, and we can get the inspection done. I think realistically that we're hard pressed to get this closed by Christmas, and pushing it before the end of the month, but we'll just have to patiently see how it goes. It all lies on the inspection, you know? If it's got crazy major things to be done, we'll walk. But we're hoping there's nothing bad to worry about. We both have been on our laptop & tablet looking at diy's for kitchens & bathrooms tonight, after watching some shoes on the diy network = dangerous! We can't help it, those shows are so enticing!
On to baby news --- we found out last Tues that baby H is a girl! We are so excited, as you have read in my previous post. A little prissy, ruffly, pink-clad little girl running around. Oh little fancy pants!! I think Coco is getting a little more excited, too, b/c we outnumber daddy 3 - 1 now. My mother is SUPER excited, b/c everyone came up to me at her church this a.m. saying, "Ava? Congrats on your baby girl!" Ya, so mama's running around her church telling all her people she's having a granddaughter, named Ava. lol it's so sweet, she looks so excited & giddy. Even though Don & I both were pulling for a little mister, I think maybe God gave us a girl to have our 4 generations - grandmother, mother, me, daughter. Of course I won't find that out, but I like to think He maybe thought that, too. ;) teehee OH! I did the photo shoot yesterday @ a local baby boutique and had so much fun! A friend of mine suggested her photog friend to me, and she was just too cute. It was silly fun w/these two girls. I was impressed w/the way that she was being professional, even though some a.d.d. of mine kicked in. It's hard to play serious in pictures, when you want to smile! I think the pictures will turn out pretty sweet, and can't wait to see them! Here's a link to her facebook site, Victoria Argentieri photograpahy (Oops! just noticed a misspell! lol)
How far along? 19 weeks, almost halfway there
Total weight gain/loss? I think I'm back to prebaby weight
Maternity clothes? Yes - washed & wore most of my new tops last week, b/c the bump is more noticeable!
Stretch marks? no
Sleep? yes, and I realize I need 8 hours.
Best moment this week? Aside from the obvious, hearing my husband tell me how excited he was that we're having a little girl - made me melt! (and the photo shoot!)
Miss anything? nah
Movement? nope
Food cravings? fruit!
Anything make you queasy or sick? heavy, perfumed room sprays, which a coworker has been spraying all week. good grief, take a gas x already!
Have you started to show yet? yes, little miss has bumped up and I can't really hold her in!
Gender? Girl -- Ava Elizabeth Hejtmanek!! (pardon the blur on the picture, it says "lil' miss" to the left of Ava)
Labor signs? no
Belly button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody? Happy!
Looking forward to: getting in bed & crashing in 5...4...3...2..............
Total weight gain/loss? I think I'm back to prebaby weight
Maternity clothes? Yes - washed & wore most of my new tops last week, b/c the bump is more noticeable!
Stretch marks? no
Sleep? yes, and I realize I need 8 hours.
Best moment this week? Aside from the obvious, hearing my husband tell me how excited he was that we're having a little girl - made me melt! (and the photo shoot!)
Miss anything? nah
Movement? nope
Food cravings? fruit!
Anything make you queasy or sick? heavy, perfumed room sprays, which a coworker has been spraying all week. good grief, take a gas x already!
Have you started to show yet? yes, little miss has bumped up and I can't really hold her in!
Gender? Girl -- Ava Elizabeth Hejtmanek!! (pardon the blur on the picture, it says "lil' miss" to the left of Ava)
Labor signs? no
Belly button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody? Happy!
Looking forward to: getting in bed & crashing in 5...4...3...2..............
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little miss coco cuddling w/her dirty panda, right close by my side, while I type up this blog. She loves to be close by. awww... |
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
It's a bow!!
Yep, it's official, we're having a GIRL!!! Little Miss Fancy Pants I'm calling her. We are so excited. Ya, a moment of disappointment - only b/c we both were kinda hoping it was a boy, but all in all, very excited. I mean hello, a baby!! Don said, "aw man, that means we have to have more," to which I replied, "well duh! We weren't stopping at 1!" I couldn't wait to tell everyone, the beans were spilled on the phone last night to our family, and then text and our old friend facebook took care of the rest!
I can now plan out a super girly, shabby chic nursery of whites, creams, pinks, antique repurposed furniture and all the little girly things I've collected over the years. God sure blessed us and baby Ava Elizabeth will have an amazing daddy (and mama to boot!). I cannot wait to see this!

I can now plan out a super girly, shabby chic nursery of whites, creams, pinks, antique repurposed furniture and all the little girly things I've collected over the years. God sure blessed us and baby Ava Elizabeth will have an amazing daddy (and mama to boot!). I cannot wait to see this!
Sunday, December 2, 2012
18 weeks - Just a little patience...
Hey dolls!
Hope y'all have had a great week - and welcome December! Now, I can officially decorate my cubicle, office and house (sorta) with Christmas, and not a day before the 1st. Bring on the peppermint mocha coffees & creamers, spiced pecans (ahem... Jenn...) & oh ya, hopefully closing on our house! Yep, I signed about 60 pages of the application thingy the other day, and the lender said that he's going to aim to close by the 21st! That would be awesome, b/c maybe we won't have to move twice! If we could do that, maybe we could move all our things over to the new house that weekend. However, I think I am going to wait, or try to persuade my husband to wait - so that we can get in there, clean really good (ahem... Carrie...) and maybe even get the popcorn ceiling fixed. If we get one of those pod things, our things can just sit there in storage anyway. My concern is what if we don't close by the 21st, we won't know that until well, the 21st. So I think we'll go ahead, pod it up, and stay w/mom for a couple of weeks. Then do the cleaning, popcorn, paint (ahem... Chris...) and then move our stuff in - before the end of this year!'s hoping! ;)
Spent last night w/some girlfriends - Diva Christmas! Lots of fun to get together w/them, and play silly games. We don't always have the same crew b/c mommies have their duties (which I will know soon enough!), but when we can see each other, it's always great. Had some scary news that interrupted us a bit, but thankfully, it's not super super serious. Just super serious, so we're praying that two of our divas' dad has a speedy recovery from his motorcycle accident. Thank the Lord, he was not more injured than what he went thru. All in all, the weekend went pretty well, and we are keeping our chins up! While I was away at my slumber party, Don & Coco had their own slumber party @ his friend's house. Coco apparently was going full throttle, playing w/his dog (her boyfriend - a 50lb+ dog that just lets her walk all over him), chasing lizards, obsessing over whatever was under the mower... so she is so sleepy & cuddly today. aww...
And on that note, here's my 18 week update. Funny thing, these updates are at the start of the week, and when I fill in the questions below, I'm basing it on the week prior. I hope it's not misleading, and maybe it'll catch up later, and I'll adjust it. Or maybe this is just how it goes. Either way, thanks for stopping by!
How far along? 18 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss? total 4lbs lost (turns out I did gain from Turkey day...)
Maternity clothes? Yes -- went shopping w/my pregnant girlfriend & found that not only is it fun, but it's dangerous!
Stretch marks? no
Sleep? oh yes
Best moment this week? Meeting w/the photographer that will be shooting my gender reveal pics next week & sharing our ideas! (and shopping w/my preg friend - who is 1 wk ahead of me & just found out she's having a girl!!)
Miss anything? man, I had something really good to put here, but I totally forgot! does that mean I'm not missing anything?
Movement? nope
Food cravings? nah
Anything make you queasy or sick? watching my clothes just sit there, not folding themselves makes me sick. That and eating like garbage - ugh. I ate mcdonald's for lunch one day (I know, don't scold me, I went thru enough pain) & have felt terrible since! I also had coke a few times this week, and I think I'll not do that as much. It just makes me feel off - not fun. I'll be avoiding that & sticking to cleaner, fresher foods (fruits, veggies, etc).
Have you started to show yet? I'm going to say yes w/this one. I can't hold my stomach in anymore, the bump is high, but it's out! Bring on the belted cardis, tops, etc. I love it!
Gender? appt is for this Tuesday... hope the baby cooperates! Be patient w/the reveal, something fun is in the works!!
Labor signs? no
Belly button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody? Happy!
Looking forward to: finding out what team baby H will be on , beau or bow! Also, the photo shoot - and making our friends freak out w/anticipation!!
Total weight gain/loss? total 4lbs lost (turns out I did gain from Turkey day...)
Maternity clothes? Yes -- went shopping w/my pregnant girlfriend & found that not only is it fun, but it's dangerous!
Stretch marks? no
Sleep? oh yes
Best moment this week? Meeting w/the photographer that will be shooting my gender reveal pics next week & sharing our ideas! (and shopping w/my preg friend - who is 1 wk ahead of me & just found out she's having a girl!!)
Miss anything? man, I had something really good to put here, but I totally forgot! does that mean I'm not missing anything?
Movement? nope
Food cravings? nah
Anything make you queasy or sick? watching my clothes just sit there, not folding themselves makes me sick. That and eating like garbage - ugh. I ate mcdonald's for lunch one day (I know, don't scold me, I went thru enough pain) & have felt terrible since! I also had coke a few times this week, and I think I'll not do that as much. It just makes me feel off - not fun. I'll be avoiding that & sticking to cleaner, fresher foods (fruits, veggies, etc).
Have you started to show yet? I'm going to say yes w/this one. I can't hold my stomach in anymore, the bump is high, but it's out! Bring on the belted cardis, tops, etc. I love it!
Gender? appt is for this Tuesday... hope the baby cooperates! Be patient w/the reveal, something fun is in the works!!
Labor signs? no
Belly button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody? Happy!
Looking forward to: finding out what team baby H will be on , beau or bow! Also, the photo shoot - and making our friends freak out w/anticipation!!
Sunday, November 25, 2012
17 week update - g.r.i.t.s. style, w/a side of Inspiration
Just wait for it, you'll get it...
Hope you all had a lovely long weekend, ate a lot and are now ready to get back into the swing of things. Bring on a 5 day work week... try to contain your excitement as you set your alarm clocks for work tomorrow a.m. Oh joy. If you're like me, you probably forgot what day it even was today. Being off work certainly throws off my schedule. I didn't do any shopping for Christmas, I refuse to do that until December 1st. I won't decorate until then either! Not hatin' on anyone that likes to get a jump on Christmas, but I like to savor every turkey-dressin-sweet potato-pecan pie bite I can. mmm I had a great 4 days of running around town, seeing all family & friends, and loved every moment of it. Especially since we'll be pretty rushed thru our Christmas holiday. Why you ask? Oh, sit back, put your feet up for this one, it's gonna get interesting (all between bites of leftover ham, sweet potatoes & squash casserole!).
A couple of weeks ago, Don & I had decided to back out of the short sale house we were trying to buy, b/c the bank had countered with an offer that was too high for us. With the baby coming, me not sure of the work situation I'll be doing once I go back, day care, etc, it was too much to risk. When he & I had come to our decision, it was after much talking, prayer and talking more, and we were comfortable with that. So moving to this Monday, I had told our realtor our decision. Come Tuesday afternoon, when she had sent me the paperwork to sign to back out, she texted me later in the day, "I just sent you an email...," so I was very curious w/whatever nugget she had for me. The bank had countered our offer w/something way better than their first, one that we were wanting in the beginning. Way to throw a curve ball! So there was more to discuss Tues evening. On my way home, while sitting at a stop light, I checked my email & saw one from our landlord. He asked how the short sale was going, hoped it was complete, b/c he sold the house we're currently renting. Oh, and it has to be empty by 12/25. Ya, Christmas. Whaaaaaa?!? Note: He's had the house on the market, officially since end of Sept, when our lease was up, and we've been month-to-month since, as was the plan until he sold, or we bought/closed. That part was understood. What wasn't understood was the short notice! I mean, hello, Christmas?!? I will not lie, that caused quite a ripple in this whole operation, I certainly didn't want it to force our hand on the house we wanted to buy, but it made things awkward. W/out going into all of the details - and in an effort to keep me calm w/out getting all heated talking about it again, we have decided to go ahead with the purchase of the house (yay!) and pack up in the next 2 weeks (yay...), aim to be out the weekend before Christmas, and be done. My mom has a garage apt, that both my bro & I have lived in over the years, so that's where we'll be. It'll be close quarters, but hey, it's a place to go! We'll put our things in one of those pods, and have it stored until we close on the house. There is nothing short about a short sale, but we're hoping that after 5 months, we can close quickly. Exhale............................. What's so ironic, or call it divine instance, was that the sermon at church this a.m. was about faith. Faith was defined to us as: "Stepping to the edge of all the knowledge you have, and taking one more step." In Hebrews 11, vs. 1, it says that "faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." I don't know what's going to happen w/the house we're trying to buy, I don't know if the inspection will pass, or if it will fall through, but we have to trust & believe that God will take care of it - and us, how He sees fit. It's almost funny, because it's by our faith that we believe this. I know that somehow in all of this, whichever way this scenario plays out, we'll be fine. We may have different or cramped living quarters, but we'll have some. We don't have to worry about carrying around our baby, since it's not yet born, so that's a huge blessing. We won't go hungry. We won't be broke, and we will still be loved. If there's one thing I love about my husband, it's that he's so calm and logical - and I know that he too, trusts God to provide or to show us why things will go a certain way. The other verse that really spoke to me this a.m. was one of my favorites, Joshua 1:9. "Be strong & courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Well amen to that! So from letting go of the house & then things rolling into it, having to move out by Christmas, and then hearing a sermon that seemingly was meant for us, this week has been something. My uncle told me he didn't like to say things were "coincidences," but rather more of divine instances. I'd say this is pretty spot on!
Now, on to the good stuff -- I'm 17 weeks pregnant today! Here we go... (Notice I'm wearing my Gator blue shirt since UF beat FSU Saturday!! Go Gators!!)
How far along? 17 weeks -- you know I'm from the south asking for hot pepper sauce & cornbread for my turnip! (g.r.i.t.s. -- girls raised in the south!)
Total weight gain/loss? total 5lbs lost (we'll have to confirm after all this Thanksgiving food!)
Maternity clothes? Jeans & some tops
Stretch marks? no
Sleep? oh yes
Best moment this week? Thanksgiving w/my families - got to see my daddy, and that was sweet. Also, had my belly touched for the first time - that was funny!
Miss anything? not really
Movement? nope
Food cravings? red meat
Anything make you queasy or sick? the smell of kimchee! ewww
Have you started to show yet? no, just the little pooch from my stomach, no baby bump just yet.
Gender? finding out on 12/4
Labor signs? no
Belly button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody? Happy!
Looking forward to: setting up the photo shoot for the gender reveal, and then trying to figure out how to reveal!
Hope you all had a lovely long weekend, ate a lot and are now ready to get back into the swing of things. Bring on a 5 day work week... try to contain your excitement as you set your alarm clocks for work tomorrow a.m. Oh joy. If you're like me, you probably forgot what day it even was today. Being off work certainly throws off my schedule. I didn't do any shopping for Christmas, I refuse to do that until December 1st. I won't decorate until then either! Not hatin' on anyone that likes to get a jump on Christmas, but I like to savor every turkey-dressin-sweet potato-pecan pie bite I can. mmm I had a great 4 days of running around town, seeing all family & friends, and loved every moment of it. Especially since we'll be pretty rushed thru our Christmas holiday. Why you ask? Oh, sit back, put your feet up for this one, it's gonna get interesting (all between bites of leftover ham, sweet potatoes & squash casserole!).
A couple of weeks ago, Don & I had decided to back out of the short sale house we were trying to buy, b/c the bank had countered with an offer that was too high for us. With the baby coming, me not sure of the work situation I'll be doing once I go back, day care, etc, it was too much to risk. When he & I had come to our decision, it was after much talking, prayer and talking more, and we were comfortable with that. So moving to this Monday, I had told our realtor our decision. Come Tuesday afternoon, when she had sent me the paperwork to sign to back out, she texted me later in the day, "I just sent you an email...," so I was very curious w/whatever nugget she had for me. The bank had countered our offer w/something way better than their first, one that we were wanting in the beginning. Way to throw a curve ball! So there was more to discuss Tues evening. On my way home, while sitting at a stop light, I checked my email & saw one from our landlord. He asked how the short sale was going, hoped it was complete, b/c he sold the house we're currently renting. Oh, and it has to be empty by 12/25. Ya, Christmas. Whaaaaaa?!? Note: He's had the house on the market, officially since end of Sept, when our lease was up, and we've been month-to-month since, as was the plan until he sold, or we bought/closed. That part was understood. What wasn't understood was the short notice! I mean, hello, Christmas?!? I will not lie, that caused quite a ripple in this whole operation, I certainly didn't want it to force our hand on the house we wanted to buy, but it made things awkward. W/out going into all of the details - and in an effort to keep me calm w/out getting all heated talking about it again, we have decided to go ahead with the purchase of the house (yay!) and pack up in the next 2 weeks (yay...), aim to be out the weekend before Christmas, and be done. My mom has a garage apt, that both my bro & I have lived in over the years, so that's where we'll be. It'll be close quarters, but hey, it's a place to go! We'll put our things in one of those pods, and have it stored until we close on the house. There is nothing short about a short sale, but we're hoping that after 5 months, we can close quickly. Exhale............................. What's so ironic, or call it divine instance, was that the sermon at church this a.m. was about faith. Faith was defined to us as: "Stepping to the edge of all the knowledge you have, and taking one more step." In Hebrews 11, vs. 1, it says that "faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." I don't know what's going to happen w/the house we're trying to buy, I don't know if the inspection will pass, or if it will fall through, but we have to trust & believe that God will take care of it - and us, how He sees fit. It's almost funny, because it's by our faith that we believe this. I know that somehow in all of this, whichever way this scenario plays out, we'll be fine. We may have different or cramped living quarters, but we'll have some. We don't have to worry about carrying around our baby, since it's not yet born, so that's a huge blessing. We won't go hungry. We won't be broke, and we will still be loved. If there's one thing I love about my husband, it's that he's so calm and logical - and I know that he too, trusts God to provide or to show us why things will go a certain way. The other verse that really spoke to me this a.m. was one of my favorites, Joshua 1:9. "Be strong & courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Well amen to that! So from letting go of the house & then things rolling into it, having to move out by Christmas, and then hearing a sermon that seemingly was meant for us, this week has been something. My uncle told me he didn't like to say things were "coincidences," but rather more of divine instances. I'd say this is pretty spot on!
Now, on to the good stuff -- I'm 17 weeks pregnant today! Here we go... (Notice I'm wearing my Gator blue shirt since UF beat FSU Saturday!! Go Gators!!)
How far along? 17 weeks -- you know I'm from the south asking for hot pepper sauce & cornbread for my turnip! (g.r.i.t.s. -- girls raised in the south!)
Total weight gain/loss? total 5lbs lost (we'll have to confirm after all this Thanksgiving food!)
Maternity clothes? Jeans & some tops
Stretch marks? no
Sleep? oh yes
Best moment this week? Thanksgiving w/my families - got to see my daddy, and that was sweet. Also, had my belly touched for the first time - that was funny!
Miss anything? not really
Movement? nope
Food cravings? red meat
Anything make you queasy or sick? the smell of kimchee! ewww
Have you started to show yet? no, just the little pooch from my stomach, no baby bump just yet.
Gender? finding out on 12/4
Labor signs? no
Belly button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody? Happy!
Looking forward to: setting up the photo shoot for the gender reveal, and then trying to figure out how to reveal!
Monday, November 19, 2012
It was definitely a "Manic Monday"
For starters, I woke up thinking I was running early, had my shower and was dressed by 7 and got my hair fixed, makeup and was ready to walk out the door at 7:25. While I was getting ready, though, I thought it was a little weird that my watch on my bathroom vanity was slow. I even stopped for a moment, thought, "hmm, that's weird," and then I adjusted the time to match what was on my cell phone. Cell phones can't be wrong, right? I mean, it had been charging all night long! So as I was walking out the door, grabbing some oatmeal & a 'naner, I noticed the clock on the microwave read 8:10. What? That can't be right! I called in to work, asked a coworker what time it was, to which he replied, "11 after 8." OMG. I quickly told him what was up, and was out the door. Mind you, it takes me about 35 min to get to work. So ya, I was 45 min late to work. All of that mess, and I was to leave early today! (Remember the driver's license debacle from last week?) I had to run out the social security office to get my name changed on my card, so that I could get a new driver's license all legit-like. I thought I had all my doc's w/me, I had the copies of my marriage certificate, name changes, etc. I was worried it would take forever, but my brother said it shouldn't really. Thank goodness. (I was talking to him b/c our mom had a terrible headache and needed help w/the dog - I couldn't make it, but he did after work, thankfully. What got me stressed from that was thinking I'll definitely have to get child care, b/c if she has a migraine like this when baby H is born, she can't watch it! goodness...) So I got to the ss office, got my #, was all checked in and only had to wait like 10 min, maybe less. As I got to the window, the nice lady asked me for my doc's - copies were fine, but these weren't legit ones. omg again! Well, since I live about 15 - 20 min from the office, I decided to rush home & get the docs I needed. I made it w/in the hour!! What's crazy is I told myself to get the originals last night!!! I knew I would need them, but I guess the pregnancy dumbness got me. I rushed back in to the ss office, checked in again, and only waited again, less than 10 min. I went to the counter, and was done in like 3 min. Good griefus! But it's done!! I should have it in 7-10 business days, and then I can go get a legit driver's license, instead of having to carry around this temp pass w/my expired license. LOL.
What made it all worthwhile was hearing my baby's heartbeat, beating strong & healthy. That was legit. ;)
Monday was hectic, but I got what I needed done, I'm alive, healthy & am about to get started on a shepherd's pie for my love. He's been working on the same pool all day long, and will come home frustrated. Note: it's 6:30 pm, and he's been working since about 8:00, out in the ocean cold air. I've worked days that long, but not outside all day, getting physically exhausted. I better get a beer ready!
p.s. I was going through some old posts, and ran across this one:
I was frustrated w/the thought that I wasn't going to get pregnant -- and I was!! Oh how life throws us curveballs. God certainly is smiling from that one!
What made it all worthwhile was hearing my baby's heartbeat, beating strong & healthy. That was legit. ;)
Monday was hectic, but I got what I needed done, I'm alive, healthy & am about to get started on a shepherd's pie for my love. He's been working on the same pool all day long, and will come home frustrated. Note: it's 6:30 pm, and he's been working since about 8:00, out in the ocean cold air. I've worked days that long, but not outside all day, getting physically exhausted. I better get a beer ready!
p.s. I was going through some old posts, and ran across this one:
I was frustrated w/the thought that I wasn't going to get pregnant -- and I was!! Oh how life throws us curveballs. God certainly is smiling from that one!
Sunday, November 18, 2012
16 weeks & a completed diy!
Hey there! I am happy to say that I have completed my diy chalkboard, and while it appears amateur, it is. It took me like 20 min to get the chalk right, and figure out how I wanted to write what I wanted to write, etc. But I got it figured out, thank goodness. I've got lots of weeks to figure out the right chalk, etc. It can only get better, right? ;)
Tomorrow is my 16 week check up, so I'm anxious to see what happens, I don't even know what they're going to do. Another doppler? That would be great. I'll update y'all afterwards!
Also this week - Thanksgiving!! I'm pretty excited - Thurs we'll be w/Don's brother, sister-in-law, our niece & his father. Friday we're going up to Waycross, GA w/my bro & Shellie to see eat w/our grandmother, father, his wife & our step bro. Saturday, FL/FSU football @ my other family's house - the family I nannied for for almost 10yrs! "My kids," as I call them are now 20, 17 & 14! They're so great, I love this family. Short week at work is always a plus, then 3 more days of family fun!! Can't wait. xoxo
How far along? 16 weeks
Total weight gain/loss? Gained 1 of the 5lbs back, total 4lbs lost
Maternity clothes? Jeans & some tops
Stretch marks? no
Sleep? yep! if I don't get my 8 hrs, waking up is so hard to do
Best moment this week? seeing my girlfriends - including my other pregnant girlfriend!
Miss anything? coffee
Movement? no
Food cravings? nothing really; no sweets, but I love spicy food still!
Anything make you queasy or sick? the smell of bbq, raw onions
Have you started to show yet? only in the way that the baby has pushed my stomach up, so that's pooching out a little now. I thought it was a high bump, but it's not. lol Soon, I hope!
Gender? Find out in 2 weeks! I sometimes think a girl though
Labor signs? no
Belly button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody? Happy!
Looking forward to: my appt tomorrow & Thanksgiving!!
Tomorrow is my 16 week check up, so I'm anxious to see what happens, I don't even know what they're going to do. Another doppler? That would be great. I'll update y'all afterwards!
Also this week - Thanksgiving!! I'm pretty excited - Thurs we'll be w/Don's brother, sister-in-law, our niece & his father. Friday we're going up to Waycross, GA w/my bro & Shellie to see eat w/our grandmother, father, his wife & our step bro. Saturday, FL/FSU football @ my other family's house - the family I nannied for for almost 10yrs! "My kids," as I call them are now 20, 17 & 14! They're so great, I love this family. Short week at work is always a plus, then 3 more days of family fun!! Can't wait. xoxo
How far along? 16 weeks
Total weight gain/loss? Gained 1 of the 5lbs back, total 4lbs lost
Maternity clothes? Jeans & some tops
Stretch marks? no
Sleep? yep! if I don't get my 8 hrs, waking up is so hard to do
Best moment this week? seeing my girlfriends - including my other pregnant girlfriend!
Miss anything? coffee
Movement? no
Food cravings? nothing really; no sweets, but I love spicy food still!
Anything make you queasy or sick? the smell of bbq, raw onions
Have you started to show yet? only in the way that the baby has pushed my stomach up, so that's pooching out a little now. I thought it was a high bump, but it's not. lol Soon, I hope!
Gender? Find out in 2 weeks! I sometimes think a girl though
Labor signs? no
Belly button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody? Happy!
Looking forward to: my appt tomorrow & Thanksgiving!!
Saturday, November 17, 2012
The week in thoughts
I'm so excited, my diy project is in the garage as we speak, drying. I'm talking about my chalkboard, of course! I painted the chalkboard on it this afternoon, and hope that by tomorrow afternoon, I can start writing on it! Just in time for my 16 week update.
Speaking of update, I have been so excited to start showing a baby bump. Being a "softer" girl (i.e., not skinny), I'm not sure when I will start showing. I may not for another 2 months. Either way, I've noticed that my stomach (literally where my stomach is internally) is pooching out. I feel so bloated, and get full easily. I know that my insides are shifting upwards, b/c baby is lower. But I was not-so-secretly wishing that this was a bump. maybe even a girl! lol But not so much. I confirmed it w/my girlfriend last night. It's funny, b/c I have noticed that my lower stomach (below my belly button) has gotten smaller, b/c baby has pushed my innards up! haha Super fun. Does this mean that I can't pig out on Thanksgiving?? Ya, probably.
So that's a good thing, b/c I don't need to be gaining any weight! And speaking of gaining weight, I went out w/my girlfriends last night to Mellow Mushroom for my bday celebration - had a great time! I love being able to get together w/my ladies. What's even better is the girls that made it out haven't all been together at one spot in a while!
My bday - I'm 34! Yikes! I came home to a bouquet of red roses, some chocolates & a beautiful card from my husband. Where did we want to eat? Oh, you know I've been craving some sushi! So we hopped in the car when I got home from work and went to our favorite sushi restaurant. We went all out - got our favorite rolls, and it was so awesome! The presentation, taste, freshness, mmm! Don't worry, I ate cooked rolls & a veggie roll. I was good. ;)
Something I was looking forward to this year was that I get a new drivers license! However, when I went to the dmv, I was turned away. Why? B/c I hadn't updated my social security card name since I had gotten married - 5 years ago. All of the rules changed in 2010, which is crazy. It's so strict to get a new license!! I was not a happy camper, b/c y'all know me - my hair was done right, I had on a pretty scarf (pink!), and my smile was ready. But it's mostly my fault - I mean, I should've changed my name as soon as I got married in 2007... I'll be going to the social security office Monday afternoon before my 16wk ob appt.
One more thought on Thanksgiving: I'm so over being rushed into Christmas! I posted on my facebook that we ought to take time to be thankful! Why is it so hard for Americans to stop for a moment - or month - and focus on being thankful? I mean my goodness, we really need to count our blessings. Life may be tough, we may be going through hard times, but we are here. We have family, friends, most have a home, and there are probably quite a few things to be thankful for. I love Christmas, I love what it represents - Jesus' birth. But I don't like that we have to get rushed into the shopping, presents, etc. It takes the joy out of Christmas, and it makes me think that people are just thinking of getting presents. My opinion is that it teaches our kids to be ungrateful - focusing only on what's under the tree. Just wait. Just wait one month and then decorate the heck out of your house, yard, whatever. I love Christmas, but I love Thanksgiving, too. Stop a moment and just enjoy. It's not about black Friday, it's Thursday. eat! laugh! have fun. I don't know, it comes across as sounding like a grinch (as my cousin pointed out to me), but let's not forget this little gem of a holiday.
So that's a good thing, b/c I don't need to be gaining any weight! And speaking of gaining weight, I went out w/my girlfriends last night to Mellow Mushroom for my bday celebration - had a great time! I love being able to get together w/my ladies. What's even better is the girls that made it out haven't all been together at one spot in a while!
My bday - I'm 34! Yikes! I came home to a bouquet of red roses, some chocolates & a beautiful card from my husband. Where did we want to eat? Oh, you know I've been craving some sushi! So we hopped in the car when I got home from work and went to our favorite sushi restaurant. We went all out - got our favorite rolls, and it was so awesome! The presentation, taste, freshness, mmm! Don't worry, I ate cooked rolls & a veggie roll. I was good. ;)
Something I was looking forward to this year was that I get a new drivers license! However, when I went to the dmv, I was turned away. Why? B/c I hadn't updated my social security card name since I had gotten married - 5 years ago. All of the rules changed in 2010, which is crazy. It's so strict to get a new license!! I was not a happy camper, b/c y'all know me - my hair was done right, I had on a pretty scarf (pink!), and my smile was ready. But it's mostly my fault - I mean, I should've changed my name as soon as I got married in 2007... I'll be going to the social security office Monday afternoon before my 16wk ob appt.
One more thought on Thanksgiving: I'm so over being rushed into Christmas! I posted on my facebook that we ought to take time to be thankful! Why is it so hard for Americans to stop for a moment - or month - and focus on being thankful? I mean my goodness, we really need to count our blessings. Life may be tough, we may be going through hard times, but we are here. We have family, friends, most have a home, and there are probably quite a few things to be thankful for. I love Christmas, I love what it represents - Jesus' birth. But I don't like that we have to get rushed into the shopping, presents, etc. It takes the joy out of Christmas, and it makes me think that people are just thinking of getting presents. My opinion is that it teaches our kids to be ungrateful - focusing only on what's under the tree. Just wait. Just wait one month and then decorate the heck out of your house, yard, whatever. I love Christmas, but I love Thanksgiving, too. Stop a moment and just enjoy. It's not about black Friday, it's Thursday. eat! laugh! have fun. I don't know, it comes across as sounding like a grinch (as my cousin pointed out to me), but let's not forget this little gem of a holiday.
Sunday, November 11, 2012
15 weeks & a diy project
Hey there!
I hope that everyone has had a pleasant weekend - and taken a moment to be thankful for our Veterans & their service for our country. I can't help but to feel proud that came from a family w/military service. Grandfathers, their brothers, father, and step brother - all served & are still serving. God bless them & the USA. We were reminded of a verse this morning in Church, Matthew 15:13, "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends."
After seeing my friend's post last week of her pregnancy, I was reminded of a super cute idea on how to keep up w/the weeks, baby's growth, etc. We both saw it on the cutest blog, "Little Baby Garvin" and fell in love with it. I've seen it around pinterest, and this chalkboard thing is great. So I set out yesterday, after my much needed & desired mani/pedi (ya, I finally got one! essie's stylenomics are on my tootsies) in search of some chalkboard paint, a cheap picture frame & some paint for the frame. Oh ya, and chalk. Total spent was only about $15-20 tops, so that was great. I totally meant to take before & after pictures, but I forgot b/c I was so darn excited & took a "midway" picture. The frame, found at a local thrift shop, was 1/2 off, at a whopping $5! It was a tan/brown wood color originally. But not anymore!! I tried to get the back off, to take the glass out but that was stuck in there good! I had to tape it off & I'll have to tape the frame to paint the chalkboard. Maybe I should have got regular paint, not spray paint. I'll see how it goes and buy more if it doesn't work. Anyway, here are some pics:
I hope that everyone has had a pleasant weekend - and taken a moment to be thankful for our Veterans & their service for our country. I can't help but to feel proud that came from a family w/military service. Grandfathers, their brothers, father, and step brother - all served & are still serving. God bless them & the USA. We were reminded of a verse this morning in Church, Matthew 15:13, "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends."
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Chalkboard paint & a nickel colored paint for the frame, Krylon brand, Michaels & Ace Hardware |
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My gem of a find - $5 picture frame. Nice! |
Last night, My husb, brother & bff went out for pizza & putt-putt golf & had a blast! Her b-day is 3 days after mine (both this week!), so it was fun to be able to do an early celebration. It's fun being silly & low key. She got me my first baby gift - a baby book! It's the cutest journal type book, and I was so excited to get it! I can start filling some of the stuff out now! Yay baby!
Now on to baby!!
How far along? 15 weeks
Total weight gain/loss? Still holding at -5lbs since pre-baby (yay!)
Total weight gain/loss? Still holding at -5lbs since pre-baby (yay!)
Maternity clothes? You know it! Although since I am lacking in the rear dept, I wish I could find some that would stay up instead of slipping down, since they don't have a waist band. Any suggestions?
Stretch marks? No
Sleep? Still loving this
Best moment this week? I love this normal feeling. Oh, and I had my first baby dream. It was a girl!
Miss anything? Thankfully, not really
Movement? No
Food cravings? Beef/steak & a bloody mary (yes, virgin will do)
Anything make you queasy or sick? Raw onion, heavy garlic. The thought of shrimp doesn't make me feel happy, and that makes me sad. And oddly enough, chicken doesn't sound great to me.
Gender? 3 more weeks... I can't help but to have a strange feeling it's a girl.
Labor signs? no
Belly button - in or out? Innie
Wedding rings on or off? On
Mood? Feeling happy and tired. It's a pleasant mix.
Looking forward to? Showing still - and finding out what this little bundle is so I can start shopping!! lol
Monday, November 5, 2012
14 weeks -- into the 2nd trimester I go!
Hey y'all! Here's week 14...
Picture below of us this weekend, it almost looks like I'm showing a little bit. Why does my husband look a little Mexican? B/c he shaved off his full beard for Movember - guys grow out their mustaches to raise awareness for men's health (testicular, prostate cancers, etc). So... yes, it's still him, and we'll see how long this thing gets!
How far along? 14 weeks today!
Total weight gain/loss: Down 5lbs from pre-baby weight
Maternity clothes? Yep! I got a couple of dresses from Old Navy that I busted out - they're so great w/the ruching on the sides - so nice. I'll prob be getting a couple more dresses, esp the tank maxi dress!
Stretch marks? No
Sleep? Oh yes.
Total weight gain/loss: Down 5lbs from pre-baby weight
Maternity clothes? Yep! I got a couple of dresses from Old Navy that I busted out - they're so great w/the ruching on the sides - so nice. I'll prob be getting a couple more dresses, esp the tank maxi dress!
Stretch marks? No
Sleep? Oh yes.
Best moment this week? Feeling normal! Thank you 2nd trimester!!
Miss anything? Sushi still. Maybe red wine.
Movement? No
Food cravings? No. Sadly, nothing really sounds delicious to me.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Garlic-y things. I don't like the heavy aftertaste.
Gender? 4 more weeks!
Labor signs? no
Belly button - in or out? still in
Wedding rings on or off? they're on!
Mood? Some things make me a little annoyed - mostly at work, but just for moments at a time. Other than that, I'm glad to feel normal and am happy!
Looking forward to? Showing! I have a pic from the past weekend, and it kinda looks like I'm showing but I think it's just the way I'm standing, b/c I don't feel like a blimp. Oh, and still excited about Thanksgiving dinner!!
Miss anything? Sushi still. Maybe red wine.
Movement? No
Food cravings? No. Sadly, nothing really sounds delicious to me.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Garlic-y things. I don't like the heavy aftertaste.
Gender? 4 more weeks!
Labor signs? no
Belly button - in or out? still in
Wedding rings on or off? they're on!
Mood? Some things make me a little annoyed - mostly at work, but just for moments at a time. Other than that, I'm glad to feel normal and am happy!
Looking forward to? Showing! I have a pic from the past weekend, and it kinda looks like I'm showing but I think it's just the way I'm standing, b/c I don't feel like a blimp. Oh, and still excited about Thanksgiving dinner!!
Friday, November 2, 2012
Preppie Friday!
Outfit for the preppie Friday (just bc, not official...):
Ankle maternity jeans (yay! Destination maternity)
Light oxford shirt (old navy)
Cream heather boyfriend sweater (target)
Leopard print belt (old navy)
Leopard print shoes (rack room)
Black dr bag (old navy - a few yrs ago)
How fun is it to dress like a prep? Plus I love the sweater/oxford/belted look. Seriously I will wear this look out when I start showing!
Sunday, October 28, 2012
It's about time I shared this with y'all...
Hey y'all! So I have some news to share, something that's been eating at me for the last couple of months. I have been avoiding my blog altogether b/c I had wanted to share it so badly, but knew the timing wasn't right just yet. (In doing so, I totally missed a blog post by a girlfriend announcing her pregnancy! Boy did I feel dumb, but now I'm in that loop.) So now that I have waited for an appropriate amount of time, here goes nothing: I'm back on facebook. Ya, I did it. Why, you ask? Oh just b/c I wanted to share the news with all my family & friends that I'M PREGNANT!!! I let that cat outta the bag this past week on facebook so why not here? Yes, I'm officially going to be a mommy - it's my turn! :) Today I am 13 weeks and I couldn't be any more tickled! Don & I are so excited to become parents next May (5/5/13)!! After much patience, prayer and a little planning, we were able to conceive. And we are so thankful for this! I may have already mentioned, but a girlfriend of mine had told me about an ovulation kit her friend had passed to her (bought on and suggested I get it. I finally did, b/c what would it hurt? So I did the urine test every morning, to find the right day that I was ovulating. Magic happened!! I knew I was pregnant almost 2 weeks after. Neurotic? Maybe, but that's okay. I took about 8 tests again, spread them out a couple a week, just to make sure I was still pregnant. So we told my mom about 5 weeks, then had my first ultrasound @ 7 weeks - saw that little gummy bear's heart flutter! Then we told my dad, bro. We just told Don's dad today, b/c Don wanted to wait until after our appt to hear the heartbeat. Just to be sure. What a sweet sound that is! It took 2 girls to find my little bear's heartbeat, but when they did, ahhh. Exhale. It's REAL. God is so good! I've been doing pretty well, thankfully. Only some nausea, but nothing bad. Being able to have this out in the open is so much more exciting. I have been excited the whole time, but now that it's out, and ALL of our friends pretty much know, it's easier and we can share the excitement. Oh, and I just found out another girlfriend is pregnant too!! Her due date is 5 days before mine! So we'll get to go thru this journey together, too. Little Coco has been so sweet to me. She is glued to me a lot of the time, but then sometimes she's all about Don. All day yesterday, even w/the windows & doors open, she was with me for most of the day. She knows she's going to be a big sister, I'm sure. And she'll do a great job.
In the spirit of the excitement, I had seen this on two other blogs I follow, so I wanted to do the same. This is just a cute way to document the pregnancy, and it actually helped me know a little of what to expect! So enjoy!
How far along? 13 weeks today!
Total weight gain/loss: Lost 4lbs since pre-baby
Maternity clothes? Yes! My mom bought me a few starter pieces - some good maternity jeans. And boy are they worth it! I can breathe now. I've lost weight, but my tummy feels so bloated!
Stretch marks? Not yet. I've been instructed to get that Palmer's stretch mark lotion, so I'm trying to be good about that.
Sleep? Heck yes. I can sleep like a boss, and I love it. (So does Don b/c I'm too tired on the weekends to want to do anything. We do our best to make sure the sofa doesn't float away. So far, so good.)
Best moment this week? Sharing this news w/all of our friends - via calls, text or facebook.
Miss anything? Sushi.
Movement? Have felt a few flutters, but nothing in the past couple of weeks.
Food cravings? Oddly enough, tomato-based things like pizza, lasagna & my mama's homemade vegetable soup. I'm kinda over it now though. Nothing sounds super yummy to me.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Sodas, sweets, sweet coffee. So I've lost some weight! Oh, and raw onions.
Gender? We will be finding out @ 18weeks. I cannot wait! I want to plan a room, clothing, etc. I refuse to have a baby shower full of yellows & greens! Don is convinced it is a boy. My mom, she thinks it's a girl.
Labor signs? no
Belly button - in or out? um, she's still in
Wedding rings on or off? they're on!
Mood? Now I'm happy & excited. Before sharing I was happy but more calm. It's helpful b/c my husband is amazing and has taken such great care of us! Glad to be getting over the nausea, too. Nothing a tums won't cure.
Looking forward to? Finding out the sex, and to start showing!! Oh, and Thanksgiving dinner!! mmm...

In the spirit of the excitement, I had seen this on two other blogs I follow, so I wanted to do the same. This is just a cute way to document the pregnancy, and it actually helped me know a little of what to expect! So enjoy!
How far along? 13 weeks today!
Total weight gain/loss: Lost 4lbs since pre-baby
Maternity clothes? Yes! My mom bought me a few starter pieces - some good maternity jeans. And boy are they worth it! I can breathe now. I've lost weight, but my tummy feels so bloated!
Stretch marks? Not yet. I've been instructed to get that Palmer's stretch mark lotion, so I'm trying to be good about that.
Sleep? Heck yes. I can sleep like a boss, and I love it. (So does Don b/c I'm too tired on the weekends to want to do anything. We do our best to make sure the sofa doesn't float away. So far, so good.)
Best moment this week? Sharing this news w/all of our friends - via calls, text or facebook.
Miss anything? Sushi.
Movement? Have felt a few flutters, but nothing in the past couple of weeks.
Food cravings? Oddly enough, tomato-based things like pizza, lasagna & my mama's homemade vegetable soup. I'm kinda over it now though. Nothing sounds super yummy to me.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Sodas, sweets, sweet coffee. So I've lost some weight! Oh, and raw onions.
Gender? We will be finding out @ 18weeks. I cannot wait! I want to plan a room, clothing, etc. I refuse to have a baby shower full of yellows & greens! Don is convinced it is a boy. My mom, she thinks it's a girl.
Labor signs? no
Belly button - in or out? um, she's still in
Wedding rings on or off? they're on!
Mood? Now I'm happy & excited. Before sharing I was happy but more calm. It's helpful b/c my husband is amazing and has taken such great care of us! Glad to be getting over the nausea, too. Nothing a tums won't cure.
Looking forward to? Finding out the sex, and to start showing!! Oh, and Thanksgiving dinner!! mmm...
Sunday, October 21, 2012
with a nip in the air...
Hey there! How great is the fall weather? Well, even if it got up to 80, it's been lovely & we've had our windows & doors open most of the day. It's amazing! I am so excited for this chilly weather, and you know that means it's scarf time!! I wore 4 different ones last week, and loved it. It's nice (and smart) to have lightweight scarves b/c you can wear them w/sleeveless tops, and still look season-appropriate. Yesterday I wore a blue & orange one since the Gators had a big game - and killed it! Go Gators!! My husb & I went to my mom's and watched the game, had some grilled cheese sammies & yummy vegetable soup that she made - just for me! mmmm... It was nice. Esp since she and I had a successful shopping trip earlier. I picked up some more candles from bath & body, since they were buy 2, get 1 free (winter & spiced autumn or something like that). I also got a new polish @ ulta, OPI's suzi skis in the pyrenees , a creamy dark blue/gray. It's very rich, inky, perfect. So I gave myself a mani/pedi here at home, and love this color. Perfect dark, but doesn't look weird. As I was looking for a pic to link to this color, I noticed something that just drives me insane: uneven nail lengths. Seriously, do y'all not realize how bad nails look with dark polish, or any for that matter when you have a nubby nail, 3 long ones and then a med-length nail? Not good. Please take my advice and even those puppies out! Dark polishes tend to look better w/short nails, like right at your skin/fingertip - or shorter. Learn it. Know it. Live it. Sorry for that little rant, but it's simple stuff. Well, tomorrow is a big day for me, and I will divulge the contents of it at a later time. If you think of it, please say a quick little prayer for me around 3:45 Monday afternoon. I appreciate it loves!
Oh, one more thing y'all may find humorous. You know I had been thinking of going back to facebook per a previous post - to keep up with family, friends of old, etc. I really do miss that aspect of it, b/c I don't talk on the phone regularly with them or email them all the time, and a lot has been going on w/them. My step-bro just graduated flight school for the US Army, a few of my cousins have recently had babies, and just stuff like that. So while we were at mom's yesterday, she let me go on her page, look at her timeline to see all of my cousins' babies, etc. I quickly was reminded how I didn't miss all of it... Politics mostly. Goodness! Whichever way the election goes, people will not be happy. But you know what, America will still be America. Let's just hope it's a smarter America... But anyway, I think I got my fill in those 10 min, so I'll be okay. ;)
Have a great week!!
Saturday, October 13, 2012
Someone Special
My mother sent me an email a while back, with one of those poems that just made your heart happy and gave me the desire to share it. I've dragged my feet for a while to do so, but today, I'm taking the time to share it. I don't know the author, but I hope that you enjoy it. As a Christian, we face a lot of judgment, as well as the weakness of judging others that may not be living as we think is appropriate. First let me say that it has been hard to come to this, but when I finally realized that I am in absolutely no place to pass judgment, my life got a little easier. It is a relief to just ignore that human nature (as much as possible) and to make the conscious decision to let God handle all of that. After all, it's His work, not mine. When I read this, it struck me that being a "Christian" didn't mean just carrying around a title. It was very humbling to read this, and a gentle reminder of how we are to act - to show others, not just to tell them we are Christians. The hardest part is to live by example, and that's something I need to strive to do each and every day - some days more than others. I hope you enjoy this, and are able to share it with your friends, both Christians & non Christians alike. :)
When I say that 'I am a Christian', I am not shouting that 'I am clean living.
I'm whispering 'I was lost, but now I'm found and forgiven.'
When I say 'I am a Christian', I don't speak of this with pride.
I'm confessing that I stumble and need Christ to be my guide.

When I say 'I am a Christian', I'm not trying to be strong.
I'm professing that I'm weak and need His strength to carry on.

When I say 'I am a Christian', I'm not bragging of success.
I'm admitting I have failed and need God to help me clean up my mess.

When I say 'I am a Christian', I'm not claiming to be perfect.
My flaws are far too visible, but God believes I am worth it.

When I say 'I am a Christian', I still feel the sting of pain.
I have my share of heartaches, so I call upon His name.

When I say 'I am a Christian', I'm not holier than thou,
I'm just a simple sinner who received God's grace.
When I say that 'I am a Christian', I am not shouting that 'I am clean living.
I'm whispering 'I was lost, but now I'm found and forgiven.'
When I say 'I am a Christian', I don't speak of this with pride.
I'm confessing that I stumble and need Christ to be my guide.
When I say 'I am a Christian', I'm not trying to be strong.
I'm professing that I'm weak and need His strength to carry on.
When I say 'I am a Christian', I'm not bragging of success.
I'm admitting I have failed and need God to help me clean up my mess.
When I say 'I am a Christian', I'm not claiming to be perfect.
My flaws are far too visible, but God believes I am worth it.
When I say 'I am a Christian', I still feel the sting of pain.
I have my share of heartaches, so I call upon His name.
When I say 'I am a Christian', I'm not holier than thou,
I'm just a simple sinner who received God's grace.
Monday, October 8, 2012
What am I thinking?!
Is it wrong that I kinda want to reactivate my facebook page? I mean, I spoke w/a good friend & my step-bro this past week and both said they missed me on there, if for anything, little updates or whatever. I kinda get that feeling too, mostly b/c of family (cousins, their new babies, etc). So I went back thru my blog posts to find when i deactivated it - and it was only in June! Holy 4 months ago that's nothing. It feels like it's been forever ago! I told my step-bro maybe I'll do it after the election - I don't need to see all the crazy political rants on there. It's only what, 5 weeks from now? Can I make it? haha yes, of course.
My friend & I scored a killer deal on some essie polishes we found in the clearance bins at our local Walgreen's last week. Ya, you read that right, essie & clearance bin. Y'all, if you have a Walgreen's near you, go there to get your essie polish. They are less there than at Ulta (only $7.99/8.00) and they have sales!! I picked up stylenomics, a beautiful dark green, and skirting the issue, a gorgeous dark burgundy. Wanna know how much I paid for them? $2 each. You read that right, too. $2 each! We freaked out! All of the colors in the stylenomics fall 2012 collection were in that bin!! Wowzers.
Still waiting on some news from our realtor about the house we put an offer on, and oddly enough, I just got a text that she's got news! Oh my goodness, wonder what it could be?
Oh, so last but not least, we went to Savannah for the Oktoberfest Wiener Dog Race this past weekend. There were so many dachshunds all over the place! It was so cute to see so many there in one spot. Coco sure was one of the prettiest & well behaved there. But the race... she didn't really care for that one so much. She made it out of the gate, but stopped halfway and then escaped! Aww, it was just so loud and so overwhelming, we're not sure if we'll do it again, unless my mom comes with us. She sure loves her grammy!! So we'll see. All in all it was a lot of fun, so that was worth it. :)
More updates to come!
My friend & I scored a killer deal on some essie polishes we found in the clearance bins at our local Walgreen's last week. Ya, you read that right, essie & clearance bin. Y'all, if you have a Walgreen's near you, go there to get your essie polish. They are less there than at Ulta (only $7.99/8.00) and they have sales!! I picked up stylenomics, a beautiful dark green, and skirting the issue, a gorgeous dark burgundy. Wanna know how much I paid for them? $2 each. You read that right, too. $2 each! We freaked out! All of the colors in the stylenomics fall 2012 collection were in that bin!! Wowzers.
Still waiting on some news from our realtor about the house we put an offer on, and oddly enough, I just got a text that she's got news! Oh my goodness, wonder what it could be?
Oh, so last but not least, we went to Savannah for the Oktoberfest Wiener Dog Race this past weekend. There were so many dachshunds all over the place! It was so cute to see so many there in one spot. Coco sure was one of the prettiest & well behaved there. But the race... she didn't really care for that one so much. She made it out of the gate, but stopped halfway and then escaped! Aww, it was just so loud and so overwhelming, we're not sure if we'll do it again, unless my mom comes with us. She sure loves her grammy!! So we'll see. All in all it was a lot of fun, so that was worth it. :)
More updates to come!
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Just blabbin'
Hey kittens!
Today I'm writing you from work, just sitting here during a little break. One of my coworkers made some crock pot lasagna and had it cooking in here this a.m. Yummers, it was tasty! So now I'm sitting here, full of lasagna, slightly miserable (but didn't over-eat, thankfully) and sleepy. A nap sure would be nice right about now. We have a very comfy couch in the office, too... I may have to wander over there soon. ;)
I have a confession. Y'all know that I like to polish my nails, and I have been pretty regular about doing so. I have not done it in so long! My toenails aren't even polished!! I had all intent of doing it this past weekend, but I never got to the mani/pedi. I decided that resting was much more needed. I promise, I will have one soon. I even got some new Butter London colors, and I'm super ready to use 'em!
My sweet little Coco turned 4 on Monday. To celebrate, I gave her some scrambled eggs w/her breakfast & grilled chicken w/her dinner. And I let her stay out all afternoon & into the evening, getting as dirty as possible. She did that again last night and was filthy! She looked like she was having fun, though, so it was fine. Bath time was last night. To even further celebrate, this little banshee has been running free in the house b/c she's potty trained & doesn't eat anything, but now she is in a crate. I had to borrow one from my mom, so it's huge for her dog, so I know Coco is fine. Why? B/c the place we're renting is now up for sale. It was just listed last night and already someone is coming over to see it. Yikes... We have until the end of October, so maybe our house will go thru and we won't have to move twice. Fingers crossed!
Had a review at work today, I did well! My [new] manager gave me good marks, so that was nice to hear this a.m. All in all, today is a pretty good day!
I hope all is well for y'all!
Today I'm writing you from work, just sitting here during a little break. One of my coworkers made some crock pot lasagna and had it cooking in here this a.m. Yummers, it was tasty! So now I'm sitting here, full of lasagna, slightly miserable (but didn't over-eat, thankfully) and sleepy. A nap sure would be nice right about now. We have a very comfy couch in the office, too... I may have to wander over there soon. ;)
I have a confession. Y'all know that I like to polish my nails, and I have been pretty regular about doing so. I have not done it in so long! My toenails aren't even polished!! I had all intent of doing it this past weekend, but I never got to the mani/pedi. I decided that resting was much more needed. I promise, I will have one soon. I even got some new Butter London colors, and I'm super ready to use 'em!
My sweet little Coco turned 4 on Monday. To celebrate, I gave her some scrambled eggs w/her breakfast & grilled chicken w/her dinner. And I let her stay out all afternoon & into the evening, getting as dirty as possible. She did that again last night and was filthy! She looked like she was having fun, though, so it was fine. Bath time was last night. To even further celebrate, this little banshee has been running free in the house b/c she's potty trained & doesn't eat anything, but now she is in a crate. I had to borrow one from my mom, so it's huge for her dog, so I know Coco is fine. Why? B/c the place we're renting is now up for sale. It was just listed last night and already someone is coming over to see it. Yikes... We have until the end of October, so maybe our house will go thru and we won't have to move twice. Fingers crossed!
Had a review at work today, I did well! My [new] manager gave me good marks, so that was nice to hear this a.m. All in all, today is a pretty good day!
I hope all is well for y'all!
Friday, September 14, 2012
Pardon me while I vent...
Hey dolls! I'm watching the news and a few things are coming to mind that I just don't understand or get all the hype. Get ready, I'm not holding back.
1. This youtube video that has the muslims all over up in arms, attacking our embassies. Really? I thought they were peaceful people. I saw a quick street interview that said the US didn't act fast enough in removing it from youtube. My thought - is that the only video they found opposing Allah? Good grief. Burning US flags, what if we started burning their flags randomly? Whatever. I hope this clears up asap, time to act on this, Obama.
2. Nude pics of the "royalty" surfacing. Sheeeeeesh. Who cares? There are TONS of celebs that get caught in the buff. My thinking, I'm glad I don't have to hear about ol' naked Prince Ginger, but good grief! Hey, I know it's an invasion of your privacy, but you're royalty. You think you can hide? People will find you and they will take pics of your skinny body and your boobs. No, you can't hide, and I am sorry for that. I think the paparazzi is redonk, and it's unfortunate that certain people can't just enjoy their privacy. But why are we in the US all over the prince & duchess' nude pics? Move on! It's sad, but it's not tragic!
3. I am completely addicted to the Wheel of Fortune! I have got to get on this game show! We have watched it all week long and I am convinced that I can win this game. Where can I sign up?!? OMG I could kick butt at this game! (well, tonight's show... haha)
So enough of that, I'm sorry, but it all just hit me at once. I had to vent somewhere, b/c you know, I'm not on facebook. lol! (p.s. on a side note, listening to some little bits of drama from people about facebook & how people are so ill over little things, I am happy to say that I don't miss it AT ALL!!) One new piece of info this week: I now have to wear glasses for the computer. Yes, I was told by the eye dr that it just happens in [my] 30's So... I've got nerd glasses! I had found a beautiful pair of Gucci frames, but sadly, they were out of my price range... (duh) So I chose these beauties - same frame, 1/3 of the price and fell in love!
Update on the house - our file has been fully submitted to the bank (Wells Fargo) and is in the system. It's moved to a new stage, and we are literally waiting on the approval of the price we submitted. So that is a highlight of the week, too!
This weekend is football (Go Gators & Jags!), finally a mani/pedi & a birthday dinner for our niece - who is turning 16 in a week! Yikes! Big girl! Coco's big race is in a few weeks, and we may need to start practicing w/her running. I should probably find out how long the run is so that we can get this pup in prime condition.
What are your plans for the weekend??
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
What day is it?
I think it's Wednesday... right? 3 day weekends really throw me off, don't they you? I have to say, though, that it was a nice long weekend! No laboring whatsoever, I promise you that. Well, okay, I finally cleaned up my dirty dishes in the sink & emptied the dishwasher Monday night, but that just had to be done. Other than that, I spent my weekend w/family & even went to go see a movie w/the husband! I was very surprised, but he said we could go on Monday. We went to see the Avengers, since it came back out to the theaters. It was awesome!
I really don't have much of an update for you on the house or baby front, just that we are still patiently awaiting to hear news on either. I took my mom in the house a week ago, and she also really liked it. We went after some heavy rain, and we didn't see any wet spots on the ceiling, so that was great. This house will be a project, but at the price, if it's approved at this particular price, it's great. Don assured me that we would not let the projects go undone. It will be nice to finally put my decor up, rather than having it stored away - like the vases, or bowls or pictures, whatever. And projects - hello pinterest!
As for the baby, we shall see. Patience is doing very well, and when there's an update on that, you'll know! Let's just say that I have set up a couple of appts w/my OB (same that I visited w/the first pregnancy) in the next couple of weeks, so maybe I'll get some info then. It's funny b/c I pretty much announced what my ov. schedule is to all my female coworkers, and they're watching me (esp when I pour on the hot sauce - which is totally normal anyway), and asking me questions. And then to a friend of mine & my mother, I've mentioned a couple of things. Like that I've been tired a lot, and then I was feeling nauseous all day yesterday, and that my boobs hurt, I don't like sweets, etc. I mean, hmm... When I get news from the dr, whatever it is, and whenever I decide to share, if it's positive, they'll all be like, "um ya, Lara, we knew." haha! So I kinda painted myself into a corner on that one. You know what else is weird? It's been a year ago that I miscarried. Did I mention that already in a post? I was thinking, that it was exactly a year ago - give or take a few days. We shared the info w/my mom a week or so before her b-day (which is 9/30) and then after that, in October, was when I miscarried. So you get why I'm not wanting to say anything just yet. butohmygoshifeellikethiscouldbeanamazingmonthforusandi'msoanxiousthati'mbustingattheseams!!
So, how's your humpday going? Tonight I'm super excited to have dinner w/one of my bestest girlfriends at Cantina Laredo, a yummy tex-mex place. She and her precious little girl will be there, so it will be fun. This friend of mine, can probably read me better than I can, so I'll have to put on a poker face! (Oh wait, she's awesome at poker, too!!) I'm a terrible liar, so this will be fun if she asks me any in depth questions. teehee
I really don't have much of an update for you on the house or baby front, just that we are still patiently awaiting to hear news on either. I took my mom in the house a week ago, and she also really liked it. We went after some heavy rain, and we didn't see any wet spots on the ceiling, so that was great. This house will be a project, but at the price, if it's approved at this particular price, it's great. Don assured me that we would not let the projects go undone. It will be nice to finally put my decor up, rather than having it stored away - like the vases, or bowls or pictures, whatever. And projects - hello pinterest!
As for the baby, we shall see. Patience is doing very well, and when there's an update on that, you'll know! Let's just say that I have set up a couple of appts w/my OB (same that I visited w/the first pregnancy) in the next couple of weeks, so maybe I'll get some info then. It's funny b/c I pretty much announced what my ov. schedule is to all my female coworkers, and they're watching me (esp when I pour on the hot sauce - which is totally normal anyway), and asking me questions. And then to a friend of mine & my mother, I've mentioned a couple of things. Like that I've been tired a lot, and then I was feeling nauseous all day yesterday, and that my boobs hurt, I don't like sweets, etc. I mean, hmm... When I get news from the dr, whatever it is, and whenever I decide to share, if it's positive, they'll all be like, "um ya, Lara, we knew." haha! So I kinda painted myself into a corner on that one. You know what else is weird? It's been a year ago that I miscarried. Did I mention that already in a post? I was thinking, that it was exactly a year ago - give or take a few days. We shared the info w/my mom a week or so before her b-day (which is 9/30) and then after that, in October, was when I miscarried. So you get why I'm not wanting to say anything just yet. butohmygoshifeellikethiscouldbeanamazingmonthforusandi'msoanxiousthati'mbustingattheseams!!
So, how's your humpday going? Tonight I'm super excited to have dinner w/one of my bestest girlfriends at Cantina Laredo, a yummy tex-mex place. She and her precious little girl will be there, so it will be fun. This friend of mine, can probably read me better than I can, so I'll have to put on a poker face! (Oh wait, she's awesome at poker, too!!) I'm a terrible liar, so this will be fun if she asks me any in depth questions. teehee
Sunday, August 26, 2012
It's in the air...
Fall! Football! Darker/richer colors in clothing, nail colors, lip colors! Scarves! Oh I am so excited I can hardly stand it. Let's not forget the smells, too. I ran in Bath & Body yesterday and picked up a couple of their 3-wick candles in some yummy fall scents, Autumn & Leaves. I love these! I love the smell of the crisp apple and spicy scents in them. If you are a sucker for fall, like I am, I suggest trying these scents. I also love their Sweet cinnamon pumpkin, especially for my hand soaps. I got the wallflowers in this scent, too. It just puts me and my house in the mood for fall!
I am in search of a cute blazer, to fit my body right. I love the way they look and what they can do to an outfit. Y'all know I love my scarves, so I cannot wait to put some on daily! I have a few "summer scarves" that I could be wearing, but for some reason, I haven't been doing so lately. I think I need to just get in my closet and pick out some tops for them. (Or maybe I need to go buy a couple more tops... shhh) ;) Either way, I'm looking forward to rocking a scarf and blazer sometime this fall. Let's not forget the cardi's and scarves. I've started belting more tops, so I think maybe the boyfriend cardi, thin belt, clean laying jeans, scarf and booties will be a good look. Why do I feel the need to explain my wardrobe to you? I don't know, but did I mention how much I love fall?!?! haha!
Back to some football: I am (like the Jacksonville Jaguars' slogan says) "all in!" this season. I am on a quest to fill my closet and incorporate some Jags gear - "cattitude" as we like to call it here, like this super cute scarf. Can't wait to rock it this fall! Throw a black, white or teal top underneath, I'm good to go! I just picked up these cute shoes last weekend too! I may need to get this top, too - and throw a black cardi over it w/some skinny jeans and platform wedges. I love a good animal print. What's funny is that it's "leopard" print but we call it "Jaguar" print in Jacksonville. We own that. It's just fun! As for my Gator gear, I've recently purchased a super cute orange Michael Stars top w/dolman sleeves (couldn't find an exact pic of it, but it's pretty much like the one I linked, just in a brighter, summery orange). You have seen the cobalt blue bubble necklace from my previous posts, that will go perfectly w/it. Can't wait to wear it this Friday - College Colors day!! I also snagged some tops on sale @ Old Navy, a blue gingham camp shirt & a light orange oxford shirt (along w/2 pairs of their $19 jeans - hello!). So I'm getting ready. I've got to polish my nails today in essie bazooka (that wasn't as orange as I had thought, btw). Oh how I love it! Flags for the car are ready, koozies are ready to hold a beverage of choice, and Coco has her collar ready, too. Oh, I almost forgot to mention! I signed Coco up for the Wiener Dog Race again for Oktoberfest in Savannah, GA. I think I had mentioned that last year, just 2 days before the race, she had gotten terribly sick and we had to take her to the vet to get fluids, antibiotics, etc, so we didn't make it. Poor little girl, she was so sick it was pitiful! We think she had eaten something gross outside, you know, like dachshunds do. So we're super excited this year, it's on October 6th, and we'll be set! I'll have her in some Gator gear, don't you worry! I had made her a pearl necklace/collar and fashioned a blue & orange grosgrain bow on it. I have to keep her streamlined, though, so she can run and not be distracted. If you search the site, you may find video of the previous years' races. They are hilarious!
Well, hope y'all enjoyed all the links I've posted today... and hope that your Sunday afternoon is wonderful. Pray for all those who went thru the hurricane & those that will feel it tomorrow, Tuesday, etc. We're going to be fine over here in Northeast FL I believe, but we'll get some rain. (and darn it if I never got my rain boots!)
I am in search of a cute blazer, to fit my body right. I love the way they look and what they can do to an outfit. Y'all know I love my scarves, so I cannot wait to put some on daily! I have a few "summer scarves" that I could be wearing, but for some reason, I haven't been doing so lately. I think I need to just get in my closet and pick out some tops for them. (Or maybe I need to go buy a couple more tops... shhh) ;) Either way, I'm looking forward to rocking a scarf and blazer sometime this fall. Let's not forget the cardi's and scarves. I've started belting more tops, so I think maybe the boyfriend cardi, thin belt, clean laying jeans, scarf and booties will be a good look. Why do I feel the need to explain my wardrobe to you? I don't know, but did I mention how much I love fall?!?! haha!
Back to some football: I am (like the Jacksonville Jaguars' slogan says) "all in!" this season. I am on a quest to fill my closet and incorporate some Jags gear - "cattitude" as we like to call it here, like this super cute scarf. Can't wait to rock it this fall! Throw a black, white or teal top underneath, I'm good to go! I just picked up these cute shoes last weekend too! I may need to get this top, too - and throw a black cardi over it w/some skinny jeans and platform wedges. I love a good animal print. What's funny is that it's "leopard" print but we call it "Jaguar" print in Jacksonville. We own that. It's just fun! As for my Gator gear, I've recently purchased a super cute orange Michael Stars top w/dolman sleeves (couldn't find an exact pic of it, but it's pretty much like the one I linked, just in a brighter, summery orange). You have seen the cobalt blue bubble necklace from my previous posts, that will go perfectly w/it. Can't wait to wear it this Friday - College Colors day!! I also snagged some tops on sale @ Old Navy, a blue gingham camp shirt & a light orange oxford shirt (along w/2 pairs of their $19 jeans - hello!). So I'm getting ready. I've got to polish my nails today in essie bazooka (that wasn't as orange as I had thought, btw). Oh how I love it! Flags for the car are ready, koozies are ready to hold a beverage of choice, and Coco has her collar ready, too. Oh, I almost forgot to mention! I signed Coco up for the Wiener Dog Race again for Oktoberfest in Savannah, GA. I think I had mentioned that last year, just 2 days before the race, she had gotten terribly sick and we had to take her to the vet to get fluids, antibiotics, etc, so we didn't make it. Poor little girl, she was so sick it was pitiful! We think she had eaten something gross outside, you know, like dachshunds do. So we're super excited this year, it's on October 6th, and we'll be set! I'll have her in some Gator gear, don't you worry! I had made her a pearl necklace/collar and fashioned a blue & orange grosgrain bow on it. I have to keep her streamlined, though, so she can run and not be distracted. If you search the site, you may find video of the previous years' races. They are hilarious!
Well, hope y'all enjoyed all the links I've posted today... and hope that your Sunday afternoon is wonderful. Pray for all those who went thru the hurricane & those that will feel it tomorrow, Tuesday, etc. We're going to be fine over here in Northeast FL I believe, but we'll get some rain. (and darn it if I never got my rain boots!)
Saturday, August 25, 2012
It figures!
Funny how when you have a horrible day (like I did last Sunday), something happens and totally blows the bad out of the water. Or even just gets a little better. Does this ever happen to you? It usually does to me, and this week it sure did!
So you remember how my rant on Sunday went, about just not feeling it, etc. You may remember that we are in the process of shopping for a home? I put an offer on a short sale home on July 3rd, knowing full well that it will take some time. We had been thru it ourselves, and waited 9 months for the bank to approve the buyers' offer - after waiting maybe 2 months for a bite. After the bank didn't accept their offer, we were crushed. What were we to do now? We ended up foreclosing on it, b/c it was just a mess. We made out just fine, since the condo was in his name only. (note to single people: you may really want to think twice before purchasing a home w/someone unless you are super serious about him/her. If something goes awry, you or they are the only ones affected by the outcome. Just a word of wisdom, b/c Don bought the condo just before we got married, w/his name only. My credit wasn't affected by the foreclosure, so this home, I am buying. He will be on the title, but not the offer.) So anyhoo... It's been about 6 weeks or so, and my realtor emailed me to call him asap - he had news. Turns out that my offer had been accepted -over the other offer! omg... why there was even another offer submitted is beyond me/us. Apparently the seller had a rookie realtor and he was not so smart about it, which led to a slight bidding war; we've been waiting this whole time to see which offer was going to be accepted first. And it was mine! Yippee!! So now, they are to submit it to the bank, to see if the bank will accept it. If they do, sign my name one the x! We're going to be waiting for 30+ days, but this is better news. It means that we are closer to our dream of 1. owning a nice home and 2. owning the home that we both love. We've kept our options open, and have been looking all over, esp closer to my mom (she's only 20 min away, but to my mama, that's far! haha), esp for when we have a baby & we need her to come over. But we LOVE this house. It seemingly needs only cosmetic updates, which my husband and his bro's can fix. Oh and paint (which my bro happens to be great at). So that's where we are now. If you follow me on pinterest, you'll see that I have gone crazy with my "for the home" board, pinning the heck out of stuff. I literally went thru each picture of the house and pinned things to do - built ins, bathroom sinks, storage, for each room. We are trying not to get too excited, in case something falls thru, but praying that it will continue to go in our favor. Who knows, our annual Christmas Eve dinner may be in our home!
On top of that good news, I'm trying really hard to pass the test of patience My mama told me to really try (in regards to the pregnancy test etc), so I am. I'm in a different place, and have decided to just wait a few more weeks before I start worrying about it. Besides, football season starts next weekend --Go Gators!! Don't forget to wear your college colors to work on Friday the 31st! I already have my outfit planned!
To top off the week, my husband and I had the most fun last night - no tv, just listening to music on pandora, rocking out and dancing, talking and being silly. He's truly my favorite person and I'm so in love. We even got real for a minute and talked about a one day baby. Life is good. Now I'm off to brunch with a girlfriend I've not seen in a while! Can't wait!! I love this place, First Watch, bc the food is so fresh and clean. Mmm....
Have a great weekend, y'all!!
So you remember how my rant on Sunday went, about just not feeling it, etc. You may remember that we are in the process of shopping for a home? I put an offer on a short sale home on July 3rd, knowing full well that it will take some time. We had been thru it ourselves, and waited 9 months for the bank to approve the buyers' offer - after waiting maybe 2 months for a bite. After the bank didn't accept their offer, we were crushed. What were we to do now? We ended up foreclosing on it, b/c it was just a mess. We made out just fine, since the condo was in his name only. (note to single people: you may really want to think twice before purchasing a home w/someone unless you are super serious about him/her. If something goes awry, you or they are the only ones affected by the outcome. Just a word of wisdom, b/c Don bought the condo just before we got married, w/his name only. My credit wasn't affected by the foreclosure, so this home, I am buying. He will be on the title, but not the offer.) So anyhoo... It's been about 6 weeks or so, and my realtor emailed me to call him asap - he had news. Turns out that my offer had been accepted -over the other offer! omg... why there was even another offer submitted is beyond me/us. Apparently the seller had a rookie realtor and he was not so smart about it, which led to a slight bidding war; we've been waiting this whole time to see which offer was going to be accepted first. And it was mine! Yippee!! So now, they are to submit it to the bank, to see if the bank will accept it. If they do, sign my name one the x! We're going to be waiting for 30+ days, but this is better news. It means that we are closer to our dream of 1. owning a nice home and 2. owning the home that we both love. We've kept our options open, and have been looking all over, esp closer to my mom (she's only 20 min away, but to my mama, that's far! haha), esp for when we have a baby & we need her to come over. But we LOVE this house. It seemingly needs only cosmetic updates, which my husband and his bro's can fix. Oh and paint (which my bro happens to be great at). So that's where we are now. If you follow me on pinterest, you'll see that I have gone crazy with my "for the home" board, pinning the heck out of stuff. I literally went thru each picture of the house and pinned things to do - built ins, bathroom sinks, storage, for each room. We are trying not to get too excited, in case something falls thru, but praying that it will continue to go in our favor. Who knows, our annual Christmas Eve dinner may be in our home!
On top of that good news, I'm trying really hard to pass the test of patience My mama told me to really try (in regards to the pregnancy test etc), so I am. I'm in a different place, and have decided to just wait a few more weeks before I start worrying about it. Besides, football season starts next weekend --Go Gators!! Don't forget to wear your college colors to work on Friday the 31st! I already have my outfit planned!
To top off the week, my husband and I had the most fun last night - no tv, just listening to music on pandora, rocking out and dancing, talking and being silly. He's truly my favorite person and I'm so in love. We even got real for a minute and talked about a one day baby. Life is good. Now I'm off to brunch with a girlfriend I've not seen in a while! Can't wait!! I love this place, First Watch, bc the food is so fresh and clean. Mmm....
Have a great weekend, y'all!!
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