Monday, July 23, 2012
It didn't take long...
Oh, and on my way home from work tonight, I ran into forever 21 and picked up some skinny jeans. I never thought I would see the day that I would rock some skinnies, but I like the way my white jeans wear, so I wanted a dark blue pair. For $13, why not? And I found a black pair for $12! I hate to say it but I couldn't pass this up! Pics later this week!
How was your Monday?
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Silly Sunday!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Fancy for a Tuesday
Thought I would share my outfit with y'all, even thoughj it's pretty wrinkled... don't judge! ;) I promised my friend I'd send her a pic before the end of the day, before the curls fell out of my hair. (You may ask, "what curls?" Ya, they fell...)
Anyway, bright blue top & white jeans a la Old Navy. (I cannot wait to wear it for some Gator Football!!! 45 more days until SEC football - YAY!!!!!!)
White/blue striped espadrille wedges, Target. (Not "Tar-zay" people... I'm fancy and I loathe when people call it that! Come on!)
Gold necklace, jewelmint
Cross bracelet, shoplately (right arm)
Coral skull bracelet, shoplately (left)
Rose gold watch, stein mart (left)
Nail color on my tootsies, essie bazooka (great orange, not quite neon & not offensive haha)
P.s. shoplately is amazing! Daily deals and they're great. My fave shop is glint & gleam. I'll try to post the link separately if I can't attach it here. Jewelmint was my go-to for unique pieces, its a club, $29.99 each piece. I've acquired quite a few pieces, but when I found and their deals, I ended my membership. I may go back, but I've got to be careful. Jewelmint has a ton of sales, so check it out! Their customer service is great, too!
Monday, July 16, 2012
Be Authentic.
Anyway, back to suffering and it's purpose... What are we instructed to do while we are in the midst of suffering? Pray! But not just for ourselves, but really for others. It's to teach us humility. I want to look at this more, and maybe watch the sermon online when it's posted ( b/c there was so much of this point. My goodness, the whole sermon had a ton of things that I was excited to study. Our pastor told us that the definition of humility is "giving all we can, so that others can have all they need." What is it that they need? Jesus. He is all they need, all WE need. The best part of being authentic, is so that we are not hypocrites. Man, I need some work here! A hypocrite is someone that pretends to be someone they are not. It's sort of a chain reaction. When we start thinking ill thoughts, they turn into words, leading to actions which show our character (be it real or not...), eventually leading to our destiny. Another way my pastor illustrated it was desire leads to deception, to design (plotting to have what you're wanting so badly - a relationship, wealth, drugs, etc), to disobedience to death. So true!! I think if one gets caught up on being someone they are not - trying to fit in, participating in things that don't glorify God, talking in a way that is ugly, we eventually can turn into that person. It has been made clear to me that I have gone through this very thing. Be it the crowd that you run with, people you work closely with, things you listen to/watch, but I started to change. My mother pointed it out and I was in denial for a bit, especially since she told me. Come on, it's my mama. I told her, "whatever." But then I noticed. Even my thoughts of what was appropriate and what was not seemed to have changed. Of course I didn't notice it for a couple of years later, but when I did, it hit me like a hammer! I can now say, now that it's behind me, that I am so thankful my mama did point this out!
I'll close w/one last profound thought: when God looks at us, He sees Jesus. When we look in the mirror, do we see Jesus? The words of the Bible are to be a mirror for us. How does it match up to myself? What do I need to do to see that? When my behavior doesn't match up I may not believe that I'm who I am supposed to be. So it's time to let my faith be real; to be authentic. This series really couldn't come at a more appropriate time, when I am craving this sort of authenticity. We're all hypocritical at times, and my prayer is that I am cutting that out of my life as best I can. I pray that people who read this, especially those that live near me will be watching me, and lifting me up, as I will them. If I live my life knowing that people are watching my every move, I need to be on point. It's not going to be easy, but it's possible. With a little- er - LOT of help from God. I can't wait to hear next week's sermon!
James 1:2-4
"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Proof of Your Love
Monday, July 9, 2012
Barre My Soul
That's the color of the day here! And yes, I snuck it at at my desk so shhhhh..... I love this OPI color from their ballet collection that came out this spring. It's a creamy pink that leans toward a true nude color. Less of a candy pink. Its great, like OPI's Privacy Please. Yes, I can tell a difference between all my colors - even if they look exactly like my others ;) - and this became a fast fave. My toes are sporting Essie's bazooka, a bright orange/coral. Loving these neons!
What are your fancy little fingers sporting?
Friday, July 6, 2012
Another fancy Friday
This is what my lunchtime consisted of in our breakroom today: steamed broccoli with spicy mustard, grilled chicken, salad & water. And then it got fancy... Yes, I polished my nails! I had done my toes on the 4th, but didn't get to my fingers. I know, faux pas. So I did it during lunch while watching the original Hawaii 50. Stellar acting... ;)
I swear by essie's good to go - their quick dry top coat. Seriosuly, if you don't have this, stop what you're doing now and go buy it! It is a necessity for polishing nails, esp if you do them in the fly like I do. I assure you, you will not be disappointed. Now go get it! Hahaaa...
I'm really looking forward to my weekend!! I'm headed down to Palm Coast with my divas for a little slumber party fun! No, we are not too old for this. It's healthy for grown ups to have some fun. Since all my readers are girls, y'all understand. ;) Bring on the tickle fights &&& pillow fights! Jk. (Or am I?)
What are your plans for the weekend? Do tell!
P.s. I've started to release my burdonsome thoughts of worry and self-inflicted punishment (based on my previous posts), bc in all fairness, life is a two way street. Tit for tat. Remember the golden rule? Maybe I need a daily refresher! When I got to work this a.m. I was clearing some things off my desk & I read a bible verse that ironically is posted to my cubey wall at work...
Eph 4:29. "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building each other up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."
...............................................yessir. God is good, isn't He? Who says you can't put these super old verses of scripture to practice in modern day? Haha
Thursday, July 5, 2012
Words of Wisdom - from a bumper sticker
So since my post yesterday, my stomach has been in knots. All day long I felt trapped in my thoughts, and it drove me insane! I think I learned one small lesson thus far: "the more you know, the less you need." I actually saw this on a bumper sticker today, and I thought it was interesting. The way I applied it to my life right now, in regards to yesterday's post, is that I need to learn more about how to close my mouth and open my heart. WWJD?? He certainly wouldn't get so bent out of shape over the things that I do. How am I showing others Christ if I have such a quick and/or sharp tongue? Granted, it's not that I go around and talk ugly to anyone and everyone, but it's the little slips that make a big impact. So what that they're misunderstood? I mean, I could be referring to something COMPLETELY OPPOSITE of how a comment is received. After it's passed my lips though, does that matter? No. You can't unhear something. Although wouldn't it be nice sometimes? I think what bothers me the most about myself is that people may misunderstand me - over and over... Why? Is it because the damage is already done? The fire is getting close to the bridge & I don't want it to burn...
So I need to learn how to be more Christ-like, so that I won't need to feel compelled or free to say whatever I feel. I hold my tongue sometimes, but not enough. This little bumper sticker may mean something completely different, but I chose to put it towards something that is meaningful for me today. This is not worth the knots in my stomach. It's time to finally put into action what I know is to be done. Funny when I mention that I want to change my life, that the devil sure has a way of getting me off track! What better time than now, to renew myself - in Christ? It's by my actions that people see Jesus, not what I say. If they went on what I say, they may be turned off. That's not good! My mother - bless her heart - offered up some wonderful advice. She asked me to ask God what purpose He has for me in certain environments. What is He trying to teach me? It's a great question - and if I take the time to figure it out, it could really make a huge difference in my life, as well as others'.
I'm going to go eat before it gets too late - hope everyone has a great Thursday nite!
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Lost in Translation
In the meantime, SUGGESTIONS, PLEASE!!
It's not so bad....
Coco is inside right now, too, even though she would rather be outside... I have to let this little black doggie cool off, b/c I'm afraid she would heat up. She's like a kid in that she'll go go go, and not realize she's overheating. She loves it outside!
Oh, since I've mentioned spending too much money (previous post), on my way home from the attempted tire repair, there is a kmart, target and walmart. They have lady clothes... like sundresses and red tops, or blue tops. And swimmies. I went into Kmart to see if they had a top I could wear w/my white jeans, and was unsuccessful. As I was nearing the Target, I realized I had the perfect thing at home. Times two! I have a cute blue light top (w/little white kitties on it) to wear w/the white jeans & a perfect red clutch! Oh and I have a navy maxi dress! No need to spend, surely I can make this outfit mine. So I passed by with a smile on my face - "you won't get me today, Target!" We're going to a bbq today & it's also a pool party. I think I'll sit this one out, just b/c I didn't shave my legs! Gotta go polish my nails real quick, going for essie jelly apple - the perfect red.
What are y'all doing this 4th? Have a safe & happy 4th of July!!