Hey y'all! So I have some news to share, something that's been eating at me for the last couple of months. I have been avoiding my blog altogether b/c I had wanted to share it so badly, but knew the timing wasn't right just yet. (In doing so, I totally missed a blog post by a girlfriend announcing her pregnancy! Boy did I feel dumb, but now I'm in that loop.) So now that I have waited for an appropriate amount of time, here goes nothing: I'm back on facebook. Ya, I did it. Why, you ask? Oh just b/c I wanted to share the news with all my family & friends that I'M PREGNANT!!! I let that cat outta the bag this past week on facebook so why not here? Yes, I'm officially going to be a mommy - it's my turn! :) Today I am 13 weeks and I couldn't be any more tickled! Don & I are so excited to become parents next May (5/5/13)!! After much patience, prayer and a little planning, we were able to conceive. And we are so thankful for this! I may have already mentioned, but a girlfriend of mine had told me about an ovulation kit her friend had passed to her (bought on amazon.com) and suggested I get it. I finally did, b/c what would it hurt? So I did the urine test every morning, to find the right day that I was ovulating. Magic happened!! I knew I was pregnant almost 2 weeks after. Neurotic? Maybe, but that's okay. I took about 8 tests again, spread them out a couple a week, just to make sure I was still pregnant. So we told my mom about 5 weeks, then had my first ultrasound @ 7 weeks - saw that little gummy bear's heart flutter! Then we told my dad, bro. We just told Don's dad today, b/c Don wanted to wait until after our appt to hear the heartbeat. Just to be sure. What a sweet sound that is! It took 2 girls to find my little bear's heartbeat, but when they did, ahhh. Exhale. It's REAL. God is so good! I've been doing pretty well, thankfully. Only some nausea, but nothing bad. Being able to have this out in the open is so much more exciting. I have been excited the whole time, but now that it's out, and ALL of our friends pretty much know, it's easier and we can share the excitement. Oh, and I just found out another girlfriend is pregnant too!! Her due date is 5 days before mine! So we'll get to go thru this journey together, too. Little Coco has been so sweet to me. She is glued to me a lot of the time, but then sometimes she's all about Don. All day yesterday, even w/the windows & doors open, she was with me for most of the day. She knows she's going to be a big sister, I'm sure. And she'll do a great job.
In the spirit of the excitement, I had seen this on two other blogs I follow, so I wanted to do the same. This is just a cute way to document the pregnancy, and it actually helped me know a little of what to expect! So enjoy!
How far along? 13 weeks today!
Total weight gain/loss: Lost 4lbs since pre-baby
Maternity clothes? Yes! My mom bought me a few starter pieces - some good maternity jeans. And boy are they worth it! I can breathe now. I've lost weight, but my tummy feels so bloated!
Stretch marks? Not yet. I've been instructed to get that Palmer's stretch mark lotion, so I'm trying to be good about that.
Sleep? Heck yes. I can sleep like a boss, and I love it. (So does Don b/c I'm too tired on the weekends to want to do anything. We do our best to make sure the sofa doesn't float away. So far, so good.)
Best moment this week? Sharing this news w/all of our friends - via calls, text or facebook.
Miss anything? Sushi.
Movement? Have felt a few flutters, but nothing in the past couple of weeks.
Food cravings? Oddly enough, tomato-based things like pizza, lasagna & my mama's homemade vegetable soup. I'm kinda over it now though. Nothing sounds super yummy to me.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Sodas, sweets, sweet coffee. So I've lost some weight! Oh, and raw onions.
Gender? We will be finding out @ 18weeks. I cannot wait! I want to plan a room, clothing, etc. I refuse to have a baby shower full of yellows & greens! Don is convinced it is a boy. My mom, she thinks it's a girl.
Labor signs? no
Belly button - in or out? um, she's still in
Wedding rings on or off? they're on!
Mood? Now I'm happy & excited. Before sharing I was happy but more calm. It's helpful b/c my husband is amazing and has taken such great care of us! Glad to be getting over the nausea, too. Nothing a tums won't cure.
Looking forward to? Finding out the sex, and to start showing!! Oh, and Thanksgiving dinner!! mmm...

In the spirit of the excitement, I had seen this on two other blogs I follow, so I wanted to do the same. This is just a cute way to document the pregnancy, and it actually helped me know a little of what to expect! So enjoy!
How far along? 13 weeks today!
Total weight gain/loss: Lost 4lbs since pre-baby
Maternity clothes? Yes! My mom bought me a few starter pieces - some good maternity jeans. And boy are they worth it! I can breathe now. I've lost weight, but my tummy feels so bloated!
Stretch marks? Not yet. I've been instructed to get that Palmer's stretch mark lotion, so I'm trying to be good about that.
Sleep? Heck yes. I can sleep like a boss, and I love it. (So does Don b/c I'm too tired on the weekends to want to do anything. We do our best to make sure the sofa doesn't float away. So far, so good.)
Best moment this week? Sharing this news w/all of our friends - via calls, text or facebook.
Miss anything? Sushi.
Movement? Have felt a few flutters, but nothing in the past couple of weeks.
Food cravings? Oddly enough, tomato-based things like pizza, lasagna & my mama's homemade vegetable soup. I'm kinda over it now though. Nothing sounds super yummy to me.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Sodas, sweets, sweet coffee. So I've lost some weight! Oh, and raw onions.
Gender? We will be finding out @ 18weeks. I cannot wait! I want to plan a room, clothing, etc. I refuse to have a baby shower full of yellows & greens! Don is convinced it is a boy. My mom, she thinks it's a girl.
Labor signs? no
Belly button - in or out? um, she's still in
Wedding rings on or off? they're on!
Mood? Now I'm happy & excited. Before sharing I was happy but more calm. It's helpful b/c my husband is amazing and has taken such great care of us! Glad to be getting over the nausea, too. Nothing a tums won't cure.
Looking forward to? Finding out the sex, and to start showing!! Oh, and Thanksgiving dinner!! mmm...