As if it would surprise any of you that know me to be late... This is a good excuse, though, so I'm already forgiven. (Thanks.) Last week was pretty much a whirlwind of things going on - we had to pack up and move out of our rental by Saturday 12/22, as you know. I stressed about it all day Friday, knowing my husband was there alone finishing up everything. I mean, I couldn't lift anything anyway, but when he told me, "I just need you here," when I called him during my lunch break, I realized that taking the day off of work would have been much smarter. I was looking for things to do at the office, I had gone thru my work so quickly. Anyway, by the time I got off work (they let us go 30 min early), Don & his friend were finishing up, my mom was there helping out, and we just had a few more things to do. We packed up the remainder of things (our clothes, etc) into our 4 cars and drove off. Phew! Saturday, we drove back out there and cleaned up, got any extra things we couldn't fit Friday night (cleaning supplies, etc) and got ready to make our escape. In all the "fun" of cleaning both bathrooms, I must've had some water on my shoe, because as I was rounding a corner, I slipped & fell. It scared me! I slipped, went down on one knee, then the other, and caught myself w/my hand. I literally saw my life flash before my eyes when I noticed the corner of the wall right at my left eye. Don came running over asking what happened, and I just started crying. Well, I tried to, at least. No tears. I told him what happened, he consoled me w/a chuckle (nervous, I'm sure), and then I cried for real. Ah tears. You know when you want to cry, but no tears come out, and it's such a disappointing feeling? I never cry, well, rarely if ever, so this new hormonal thing is interesting. So ya, that happened. We were all done and out of there by 3'ish, so the whole day wasn't shot. Note to self: hire cleaners next time, especially if pregnant. OMG, I overdid it w/the bending over, scrubbing the tub/shower, even doing the mopping. When we close on the house, I will take the day off, hire someone to clean & not worry! The one good thing that came from all that moving around - I got to feel some kicks from the baby!
So here is a recap of week 21.
How far along? 21 weeks
Total weight gain/loss? I'm at prebaby weight
Maternity clothes? Yes! I love showing the bumpette - I find myself showing it off more than not
Stretch marks? no
Sleep? yes
Best moment this week? Moving out of the rental and being done w/that mess.
Miss anything? Not really
Movement? A little movements on Saturday!
Food cravings? Nothing out of the ordinary
Anything make you queasy or sick? not right at the moment
Have you started to show yet? Yep! And am getting some belly rubs, too.
Gender? Girl -- Ava Elizabeth
Labor signs? no
Belly button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody? Exhausted but happy!
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Sunday, December 16, 2012
20 weeks - halfway there!
Well this week certainly has been quite the busy one! We had our office Christmas party that was fun!
We started to pack up the house & are getting ready to move! We haven't heard anything on the house we are trying to purchase, just that it's been approved, but we're still waiting on the official letter of approval to start the appraisal, inspection, etc. It may not be all complete until the first of 2013, so we're just going along with things patiently. The rental had to get a new roof, and the geniuses that did it took forever... It was finally done on Thursday, and my storage container was to be delivered Friday. The dumpster that was being used just had to get out of the way - and getting that done was like pulling teeth! We told our landlord it had too be gone by Thursday to make room for our container on Friday a.m., and wouldn't you know that did not happen until literally the very last minute. As in when my container truck was about to be backed in the yard, the dumpster pick up swooped right in and quickly took it away - all the while rooting up our sweet neighbors' grass. But it's gone, our container is here and we quickly got started packing & loading it yesterday morning, with the help of my mom, my bro & friend for a bit. Today, same thing. We have all week, but I seriously think we can be done by Monday night, and they could pick it up to go to storage on Tuesday. That's great b/c more work needs to be done on this house & we can't take off work to be here to let them in anymore... you know what? I'm not going to get into that - it's a long, frustrating story w/this move to get out of here by Christmas, and let's just say that while we are frustrated & slightly annoyed at how this is going down, we're super thankful that we aren't going to be homeless (thanks mama!) and I'm no more pregnant than I am, or that we have to worry about totin' around a baby. So... exhale..............
Since we have been packing I'm going to spare my husband from taking a pic of me at 20 weeks, but maybe I'll swing one later on. I'm just tired looking and lazy! So here is my post!
How far along? 20 weeks - halfway there!
Total weight gain/loss? 0 - I'm at prebaby weight
Maternity clothes? Yes! I love showing the bumpette
Stretch marks? no
Sleep? yes, as usual, and interrupted each day at 3a.m. to go potty. the usual!
Best moment this week? My husband walked by me & rubbed my belly, then said "you're bumpy!" it was cute :) and we FINALLY got to see & tell his mom & stepdad!
Miss anything? Not really
Movement? No
Food cravings? Nothing out of the ordinary
Anything make you queasy or sick? peppermint hershey kisses, poo. :( and they're so tasty!
Have you started to show yet? Yep!
Gender? Girl -- Ava Elizabeth
Labor signs? no
Belly button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody? Happy (and tired from packing up!)
preview pic from the photo shoot!
Total weight gain/loss? 0 - I'm at prebaby weight
Maternity clothes? Yes! I love showing the bumpette
Stretch marks? no
Sleep? yes, as usual, and interrupted each day at 3a.m. to go potty. the usual!
Best moment this week? My husband walked by me & rubbed my belly, then said "you're bumpy!" it was cute :) and we FINALLY got to see & tell his mom & stepdad!
Miss anything? Not really
Movement? No
Food cravings? Nothing out of the ordinary
Anything make you queasy or sick? peppermint hershey kisses, poo. :( and they're so tasty!
Have you started to show yet? Yep!
Gender? Girl -- Ava Elizabeth
Labor signs? no
Belly button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody? Happy (and tired from packing up!)
preview pic from the photo shoot!
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
A little church on Tuesday
I am moved to tears this morning, by one of my favorite hymns, "How Great Thou Art." I grew up in baptist churches singing this song, and listening to my grandparents sing it over and over. I hope y'all enjoy it, as Carrie Underwood sang it so beautifully! I love the old guitar sounds from Vince Gill, too. I'm not so much a country fan, but they sure can sing some gospel hymns like no other. God bless y'all, and know that He truly is great!
Watch "Carrie Underwood with Vince Gill How Great thou Art - 720P HD - Standing Ovation!" on YouTube
Sunday, December 9, 2012
19 weeks!
Hey y'all!
Hope everyone had a good week, we're about 2 weeks closer to Christmas - can y'all believe it? I can't! But then again, we've got so much to do before then that I've kinda lost track of it. We've got to start packing this week b/c sadly, our things did not hop into the boxes I brought home by themselves last week... I'm having the storage box delivered to our place on Friday, so we'll start loading it up next Saturday! So... much... fun... But hey, it's for the cause. I got a call from the lender on the house we're buying, and the loan was approved, so we're waiting for the official approval letter before the appraisal is ordered, and we can get the inspection done. I think realistically that we're hard pressed to get this closed by Christmas, and pushing it before the end of the month, but we'll just have to patiently see how it goes. It all lies on the inspection, you know? If it's got crazy major things to be done, we'll walk. But we're hoping there's nothing bad to worry about. We both have been on our laptop & tablet looking at diy's for kitchens & bathrooms tonight, after watching some shoes on the diy network = dangerous! We can't help it, those shows are so enticing!
On to baby news --- we found out last Tues that baby H is a girl! We are so excited, as you have read in my previous post. A little prissy, ruffly, pink-clad little girl running around. Oh little fancy pants!! I think Coco is getting a little more excited, too, b/c we outnumber daddy 3 - 1 now. My mother is SUPER excited, b/c everyone came up to me at her church this a.m. saying, "Ava? Congrats on your baby girl!" Ya, so mama's running around her church telling all her people she's having a granddaughter, named Ava. lol it's so sweet, she looks so excited & giddy. Even though Don & I both were pulling for a little mister, I think maybe God gave us a girl to have our 4 generations - grandmother, mother, me, daughter. Of course I won't find that out, but I like to think He maybe thought that, too. ;) teehee OH! I did the photo shoot yesterday @ a local baby boutique and had so much fun! A friend of mine suggested her photog friend to me, and she was just too cute. It was silly fun w/these two girls. I was impressed w/the way that she was being professional, even though some a.d.d. of mine kicked in. It's hard to play serious in pictures, when you want to smile! I think the pictures will turn out pretty sweet, and can't wait to see them! Here's a link to her facebook site, Victoria Argentieri photograpahy (Oops! just noticed a misspell! lol)
How far along? 19 weeks, almost halfway there
Total weight gain/loss? I think I'm back to prebaby weight
Maternity clothes? Yes - washed & wore most of my new tops last week, b/c the bump is more noticeable!
Stretch marks? no
Sleep? yes, and I realize I need 8 hours.
Best moment this week? Aside from the obvious, hearing my husband tell me how excited he was that we're having a little girl - made me melt! (and the photo shoot!)
Miss anything? nah
Movement? nope
Food cravings? fruit!
Anything make you queasy or sick? heavy, perfumed room sprays, which a coworker has been spraying all week. good grief, take a gas x already!
Have you started to show yet? yes, little miss has bumped up and I can't really hold her in!
Gender? Girl -- Ava Elizabeth Hejtmanek!! (pardon the blur on the picture, it says "lil' miss" to the left of Ava)
Labor signs? no
Belly button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody? Happy!
Looking forward to: getting in bed & crashing in 5...4...3...2..............
Total weight gain/loss? I think I'm back to prebaby weight
Maternity clothes? Yes - washed & wore most of my new tops last week, b/c the bump is more noticeable!
Stretch marks? no
Sleep? yes, and I realize I need 8 hours.
Best moment this week? Aside from the obvious, hearing my husband tell me how excited he was that we're having a little girl - made me melt! (and the photo shoot!)
Miss anything? nah
Movement? nope
Food cravings? fruit!
Anything make you queasy or sick? heavy, perfumed room sprays, which a coworker has been spraying all week. good grief, take a gas x already!
Have you started to show yet? yes, little miss has bumped up and I can't really hold her in!
Gender? Girl -- Ava Elizabeth Hejtmanek!! (pardon the blur on the picture, it says "lil' miss" to the left of Ava)
Labor signs? no
Belly button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody? Happy!
Looking forward to: getting in bed & crashing in 5...4...3...2..............
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little miss coco cuddling w/her dirty panda, right close by my side, while I type up this blog. She loves to be close by. awww... |
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
It's a bow!!
Yep, it's official, we're having a GIRL!!! Little Miss Fancy Pants I'm calling her. We are so excited. Ya, a moment of disappointment - only b/c we both were kinda hoping it was a boy, but all in all, very excited. I mean hello, a baby!! Don said, "aw man, that means we have to have more," to which I replied, "well duh! We weren't stopping at 1!" I couldn't wait to tell everyone, the beans were spilled on the phone last night to our family, and then text and our old friend facebook took care of the rest!
I can now plan out a super girly, shabby chic nursery of whites, creams, pinks, antique repurposed furniture and all the little girly things I've collected over the years. God sure blessed us and baby Ava Elizabeth will have an amazing daddy (and mama to boot!). I cannot wait to see this!

I can now plan out a super girly, shabby chic nursery of whites, creams, pinks, antique repurposed furniture and all the little girly things I've collected over the years. God sure blessed us and baby Ava Elizabeth will have an amazing daddy (and mama to boot!). I cannot wait to see this!
Sunday, December 2, 2012
18 weeks - Just a little patience...
Hey dolls!
Hope y'all have had a great week - and welcome December! Now, I can officially decorate my cubicle, office and house (sorta) with Christmas, and not a day before the 1st. Bring on the peppermint mocha coffees & creamers, spiced pecans (ahem... Jenn...) & oh ya, hopefully closing on our house! Yep, I signed about 60 pages of the application thingy the other day, and the lender said that he's going to aim to close by the 21st! That would be awesome, b/c maybe we won't have to move twice! If we could do that, maybe we could move all our things over to the new house that weekend. However, I think I am going to wait, or try to persuade my husband to wait - so that we can get in there, clean really good (ahem... Carrie...) and maybe even get the popcorn ceiling fixed. If we get one of those pod things, our things can just sit there in storage anyway. My concern is what if we don't close by the 21st, we won't know that until well, the 21st. So I think we'll go ahead, pod it up, and stay w/mom for a couple of weeks. Then do the cleaning, popcorn, paint (ahem... Chris...) and then move our stuff in - before the end of this year!'s hoping! ;)
Spent last night w/some girlfriends - Diva Christmas! Lots of fun to get together w/them, and play silly games. We don't always have the same crew b/c mommies have their duties (which I will know soon enough!), but when we can see each other, it's always great. Had some scary news that interrupted us a bit, but thankfully, it's not super super serious. Just super serious, so we're praying that two of our divas' dad has a speedy recovery from his motorcycle accident. Thank the Lord, he was not more injured than what he went thru. All in all, the weekend went pretty well, and we are keeping our chins up! While I was away at my slumber party, Don & Coco had their own slumber party @ his friend's house. Coco apparently was going full throttle, playing w/his dog (her boyfriend - a 50lb+ dog that just lets her walk all over him), chasing lizards, obsessing over whatever was under the mower... so she is so sleepy & cuddly today. aww...
And on that note, here's my 18 week update. Funny thing, these updates are at the start of the week, and when I fill in the questions below, I'm basing it on the week prior. I hope it's not misleading, and maybe it'll catch up later, and I'll adjust it. Or maybe this is just how it goes. Either way, thanks for stopping by!
How far along? 18 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss? total 4lbs lost (turns out I did gain from Turkey day...)
Maternity clothes? Yes -- went shopping w/my pregnant girlfriend & found that not only is it fun, but it's dangerous!
Stretch marks? no
Sleep? oh yes
Best moment this week? Meeting w/the photographer that will be shooting my gender reveal pics next week & sharing our ideas! (and shopping w/my preg friend - who is 1 wk ahead of me & just found out she's having a girl!!)
Miss anything? man, I had something really good to put here, but I totally forgot! does that mean I'm not missing anything?
Movement? nope
Food cravings? nah
Anything make you queasy or sick? watching my clothes just sit there, not folding themselves makes me sick. That and eating like garbage - ugh. I ate mcdonald's for lunch one day (I know, don't scold me, I went thru enough pain) & have felt terrible since! I also had coke a few times this week, and I think I'll not do that as much. It just makes me feel off - not fun. I'll be avoiding that & sticking to cleaner, fresher foods (fruits, veggies, etc).
Have you started to show yet? I'm going to say yes w/this one. I can't hold my stomach in anymore, the bump is high, but it's out! Bring on the belted cardis, tops, etc. I love it!
Gender? appt is for this Tuesday... hope the baby cooperates! Be patient w/the reveal, something fun is in the works!!
Labor signs? no
Belly button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody? Happy!
Looking forward to: finding out what team baby H will be on , beau or bow! Also, the photo shoot - and making our friends freak out w/anticipation!!
Total weight gain/loss? total 4lbs lost (turns out I did gain from Turkey day...)
Maternity clothes? Yes -- went shopping w/my pregnant girlfriend & found that not only is it fun, but it's dangerous!
Stretch marks? no
Sleep? oh yes
Best moment this week? Meeting w/the photographer that will be shooting my gender reveal pics next week & sharing our ideas! (and shopping w/my preg friend - who is 1 wk ahead of me & just found out she's having a girl!!)
Miss anything? man, I had something really good to put here, but I totally forgot! does that mean I'm not missing anything?
Movement? nope
Food cravings? nah
Anything make you queasy or sick? watching my clothes just sit there, not folding themselves makes me sick. That and eating like garbage - ugh. I ate mcdonald's for lunch one day (I know, don't scold me, I went thru enough pain) & have felt terrible since! I also had coke a few times this week, and I think I'll not do that as much. It just makes me feel off - not fun. I'll be avoiding that & sticking to cleaner, fresher foods (fruits, veggies, etc).
Have you started to show yet? I'm going to say yes w/this one. I can't hold my stomach in anymore, the bump is high, but it's out! Bring on the belted cardis, tops, etc. I love it!
Gender? appt is for this Tuesday... hope the baby cooperates! Be patient w/the reveal, something fun is in the works!!
Labor signs? no
Belly button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? on
Happy or Moody? Happy!
Looking forward to: finding out what team baby H will be on , beau or bow! Also, the photo shoot - and making our friends freak out w/anticipation!!
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