Hey hey hey, kittens! Hope everyone has had a great week, and are enjoying their Sunday! It's gorgeous here, which is nice after a cold, windy past few days in ol' J-ville. We got a new head coach for our Jags, yippee, and he seems pretty excited! Let's see how this team can get turned around - new players, too, please!! But let's not forget the Superbowl - is anyone else as excited to see Beyonce perform the halftime show - AND Destiny's Child?!? OMG I am so super excited. Yes, I am a fan. A huge fan of Bon-cey & the girls, so it can't happen soon enough. (hint hint, anyone want to get me the new Destiny's Child album as a baby shower gift, I'll totally put it on the registry! Just kidding --- or am I?)
So this week was full of fun - our first full 5 day work week after the holidays and then our computer system @ work going ka-put, so that was nice. Back to the routine, yay. I'm actually very excited about that, that's legit. I now can remember what day it is, rather than thinking it was a Thursday when it was a Monday. (yes, that messed up) But the best part of it was that I experienced my first official pregnant meltdown! It resulted in tears that resembled that of a leaky faucet - a slow, steady stream of water flowing down my cheeks. My mascara was a little upset, I assure you. For those of you that know me, when asked how often I shed tears, you probably can count them on half a finger. I don't do it. I just don't. Every once in a while a movie will get me - like that movie 8 Below w/Paul Walker and all those doggies, oh and Sea Biscuit when he's winning his big race, all the while they're playing that old Southern Baptist hymn, "Oh Happy Day." Those movies got me. (laugh if you want!) So these tears just wouldn't stop rollin'! Why was I even crying? What set me off? Well, the house situation. We are so close to closing on this house, but there were a few things that needed to be done (per the appraisal) either prior to closing, or after closing. If we did them after, we have to set up an escrow account for more than the repairs quoted, and bring that to the table. My issue was I didn't think it necessary to pressure wash a home that I didn't own, or to clear branches & vines from the roof, when the seller could've done it himself, as normal/routine upkeep. So after voicing that to my loan officer, as well as my realtor (who thankfully agreed), I got a quote for the siding that needed repaired. My husband also got one, and I was just getting overwhelmed having to decide and who to go with. My problem is that I wasn't giving it over to my husband to handle, which I should've done in the beginning. So I did - I told him that I needed him to handle it b/c I just can't take it on, working full time, carrying a child, needing quality time w/him, living in a studio apt no bigger than a hotel room, thinking of Coco not having a yard, getting tense b/c we don't have our space yet, wanting to decorate a baby room, wanting to enjoy the happiness of my pregnancy.... etc etc etc. It all kinda sprung on me also, b/c I've been a little sarcastic to him w/some comments, and he doesn't deserve it. I said one that same night, totally not meaning it, and he took it that way - and didn't hesitate to tell me. So that was the start - pointing out to me that my stress is coming out & I'm taking it out on him. While I appreciated it (after the fact), it just set the meltdown off so nicely. No yelling, just me retreating to the upstairs part of mom's house, sitting in the dark & crying. Mom came home later and helped me out, and I later went on to bed, not saying much. The next day, the husband came to the rescue - he called both contractors, picked one, spoke to the loan officer, realtor and set a date for when the repairs will be done (before we close). We got a call while wandering around Target Friday night (our date...) from the loan officer, saying that we're going to get the [final] approval either this weekend, or early this coming week - and we can close! Yay yay yay!! What a relief! If all of this can happen, we can get the repairs done next week, close, paint & remove the popcorn from the ceiling - maybe we'll have a house by Valentine's Day!! Things will eventually work out... we're just so ready for them to! We haven't even emptied our patience tanks, not even halfway there, but darn it if we're not getting close. I am so excited to get in that baby room & start painting, decorating and just sitting in it, waiting for my little Ava to be here. While Coco is out in her new backyard. And Don is in his garage tinkering with something. All in all, the week ended pretty nicely, so thank you goodness! (And more importantly, thank you Lord.)
Insert the 24 week update, at the start of week 25. I still haven't decided if I wanted to do these at the end of each week, as a recap, or at the start of the week. I like the idea of it at the end of the week, b/c it seems to make sense of what all I go thru for that week. So I'll keep it up for a few more weeks - if that's okay. ;)
And without further ado....
24 weeks - baby Ava is as long as an ear of corn - the sweetest! (of course!) |
How far along: 24 weeks down!
Total weight gain/loss: + 1.4lbs (as of Tues @ my 24 week checkup)
Maternity clothes? oh all the time! I picked up this basic tee @ Target the other day - not bad. Found the best skinny pants (in black) at Destination Maternity, the
Secret Fit Belly 5 Pocket (even tho the front pockets are fake lol) pants, they're amazing. I'm prob going to have to get the blue ones! And I see a maternity bra in my near future - for the comfort.
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Like a champ. I tend to get sleepy as I'm on my way home from work, so weird. I even went to sleep twice this week while just laying down w/Coco - pretty early!
Best moment this week: Finally, finally getting to feel Ava move from the outside of my belly. My mom was rubbing my belly and she would start moving. She had her head on my stomach, and felt her kick. Don took a go at it and Ava straight up kicked him in the ear! It was so legit - he freaked out! So the secret: slowly rub my belly & then wait for her to move. It was so awesome!
Miss anything? a nice glass of red wine
Movement? She's not super active, unless provoked! ;) Oh, and sometimes after coffee.
Food cravings: chocolate - like after lunchtime. oh how divine a kit kat sounds!!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not that I can think of specifically - other than bbq. (I know!! I hate saying it! Shame on me!) Oh, and I over did it at my girlfriend's daughter's bday party yesterday - just too many different delicious things - didn't agree w/me mucho.
Gender: super girly girl!
Labor signs: nope
Symptoms: leg cramp - the nerves are killing me sometimes. But since I'm wearing flats more often, I'm good. Aww... no heels.
Belly button in or out? Still in!
Wedding rings on/off: on
Happy or moody? Generally happy - until that tearful meltdown.
Looking forward to: Closing on the house, so I can get in there & decorate her room!
I leave you with some scripture my mom shared with me this morning, Psalm 139. It's such a beautiful passage, each verse containing such amazing words. "...you are familiar with all my ways. Before a word is on my tongue you know it completely, O Lord." (v. 3-4) "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made." (v 14) I'm so glad she told me to read it, b/c it's a great reminder of how God knows us and created us, and will be with us everywhere.