First time opening up the door as a home owner! |
Week 26 was a pretty good week for the Hejtmaneks! Ya, remember that house I talk about from time to time? The one I put an offer on back in July? Well, it's ours now!! Yep, finally closed on 1/31. After all the waiting, extensions, wondering if it all was worth it, waiting some more and even more extensions, it has come to an end. Got the keys that night, and started working on it Saturday. Mind you when I say that, I don't literally mean that I worked on it, no way. I just bought & paid for things - I'll leave the handiwork to my husband, brother, friends & the contractor we've hired. So, we did get all the siding materials, paint for the whole house &the carpet picked out for 2 of the bedrooms (the master & main living area has wood!). It's so true, owning a home means that they cost you $$ every time you turn around, and there are always projects that are to be done. From the start, we had to replace some siding, we're getting the popcorn ceilings removed & refinished, then the painting can be done, then the carpet replaced, and then the house can be cleaned, and then we can move in. And then... and then... and then... we decorate and get baby Ava's room ready for her arrival! It's great to be closer to starting up our new life in a home - our home - and to enjoy the rest of my pregnancy now, just being ready for this little baby. When we are patient, and trusting that things will work out - maybe not in our time, but in God's time, things will work out. I read something that I repinned on pinterest the other day, Malachi 3:10, that says, "When God closes a door, He opens a window." It's so true b/c He can close a door on us, one we may want to be wide open, but in doing so, there's a window right in front of us. It's up to us to open our eyes (and hearts) and realize that He's doing this. There won't be an answer as to why a door closed at a particular time, but being open to learning why, and trusting in the notion that you'll realize it, helps us to see what is going on. Why didn't we get pregnant sooner, why didn't we close on the house sooner? Well, b/c it just wasn't meant to be. But ultimately, things are working out so well. There may be hiccups in the next few months, but we're pretty certain things will work out.
Speaking of getting things done, Don & I had a productive week on the baby front, too. A sweet friend of ours gifted us with at TON of hand-me-down's from their daughter - clothes, a beautiful bassinet, bottles, a swing for outside (that will go wonderfully on the swing set in the new backyard!), a changing table pad, baby carriers (that you wear), a bumbo seat, and more fun things! Oh my goodness, we are so blessed! We were offered their crib, too, which is amazing! I'm leaning towards getting our own crib, being our first baby, but anything else "gently used," shoot yes I'll take it! I had another great friend offer me her car carrier, along w/2 bases for the cars, along w/a little bathtub & some maternity clothes. Swing and play set to come later, too. I found a coordinating stroller at Target (the day we closed on the house, while waiting to sign papers) for only $30, which was amazing. But mom & I got out to a consignment store & found another stroller & carrier that will match this new one a little better (the one offered to me was a tan color, the ones we got are gray/purple/pinks), so we're probably going to stick w/this color scheme. I hate turning down all these wonderful [FREE] offers, but you know how it is when you find something you really like, it's hard to pass up! Fortunately, these mommmies are sweet & understanding, so that's good. ;) I don't want to look any gift horse in the mouth! Mom & I also scored a sweet little bouncy seat/swing, so that was awesome. All in all, good times!
Now, after all my ranting on that, here's week 26's update!
How far along: 26 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: I go back & forth between 3+ and 4+lbs (no arguing here!)
Maternity clothes? You know it.
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: I find it increasingly difficult to wake up in the morning, during the week. On Sat & Sun, I'm ready to wake at 8:30 or so. On weekdays, I'd rather sleep until that time, too...
Best moment this week: Scoring on the baby items, closing on our house, running into the couple we chatted w/on the hospital tour - at our church, no less, while going to the "Parents-to-be" lunch, and just beign closer to getting into our home!
Miss anything? yes - red wine.
Movement? She is a pretty still baby (insert mom's joke here, that she must be part Don!), but does move after coffee & in the evenings. (night owl like her mama!)
Food cravings: chocolate, goldfish, orange juice
Anything making you queasy or sick? Onions. They are no bueno for me.
Gender: girl
Labor signs: nope
Symptoms: Heartburn, back soreness, sleepy and the bending over still isn't super fun.
Belly button in or out? Shallow, but in
Wedding rings on/off: on
Happy or moody? Happy for the most part. I only get moody if I'm sleepy...
Looking forward to: Painting & putting carpet in Ava's room. Oh, I met w/my 2 closest friends this week and we started planning my baby shower. Lots of great ideas, and it's being done by the best!