Look who's already 2 months old! Little miss has been growing on along, getting a little chunk on her body, being a little sweetie. Her sleeping pattern had been great for us, every three hours, and after midnight she would sleep until 5/6 a.m. That was going to be great for my mornings back at work. However, this week, hitting her two month mark, she flipped the script on us. A few days she was waking up every three hours after midnight, but thank goodness that only lasted a few nights. Then she decided to fall asleep around 10:30 p.m., and wakeup at 4 a.m. Now don't get me wrong, I am super thankful for the long stretch of sleep, but dang, 4:00?! Why not 5:00? So that's been different. Needless to say, there have been a couple of mornings we've woken up in the recliner...
July 4th! We had a fun-filled day of relaxing, enjoying not going to work, and a trip to Kmart. (Yes, they're still around.) We got Ava an activity mat, and she really likes it. Also got some more formula since she's been doing well with one formula bottle a day. Today it's been a week of trying it out. Thanks to a suggestion from my bf, I went with Enfamil, for newborns. No bad gas or fussiness. Insert sigh of relief here. And of course we had to get some little fireworks. We played with them while Ava was napping on her new activity mat (ironic much?), and Coco watched over. Or Coco was hiding bc she doesn't like the fireworks, but either way when I looked at the monitor from the driveway, Coco was laying right next to Ava. It was precious! Ava didn't seem to mind the noise, she still slept. So we made it through our first fourth, in our new house, with our new baby. I hope everyone had a great holiday!