Name: Beau Fisher
Boy/girl: boy!!
Movement: He's still moving around in there, but I'm pretty sure that he's running out of room
Contractions: Not since over a week ago with the "Toni Braxton Hicks" contractions, as my husband called them
Total weight gain: down 19lbs
Maternity clothes: Yes, but I pretty much don't feel comfortable in anything. At all.
Mood: Fine, but emotional. I think I'm stretching myself too thin at this point. I'm still working, but cut back my hours (1hr a day only), but on this day, I realize that I don't have much more to give. I am beyond exhausted, but somehow cannot bring myself to just call in. I am stubborn in that I just keep working. My mom thinks I should've started my leave last week, but I figured, "why not one more week? I'll just start the leave the week of my appointment." Well, it may be backfiring on me now. I have a feeling Beau won't wait until next Thursday. I'm pretty sure he'll make an appearance early. And that makes me anxious. Call me dedicated, or just plain stupid. This pregnancy is just so different from my first. I'm older, I have a toddler, I am beat!
Belly button in/out: in - but looks like it's out when I lean back sometimes!
Wedding rings on/off: off
Best moment this week: Getting a few more things for Beau, doing the laundry and folding all his sweet little clothes. Oh, let's not forget the most important part of this week, my hair appt! Roots are gone, and my hair is looking good!
Looking forward to: Honestly, not working. Being able to rest a little more before I go into this c-section and tubal fiasco.