What a wonderful time of the year this is! The celebration of our Lord's birth. Happy birthday, Jesus!
Our church, Christ's Church Mandarin had Christmas Eve services yesterday, as they do every year. This year was particularly special because my husband's brother, his wife and daughter joined us. This was their first year doing so and it was a great service. I was moved to tears a few times listening to the beautiful music & singing. My favorite I think is "Oh Holy Night." Every time I hear the part of the song, "fall on your knees, oh hear the angel voices..." it brings tears to my eyes and my heart just swells, I even get chills! I looked up at my husband while singing and he was a little misty eyed, too! (He is such a wonderful husband, and nothing pleases me more than knowing he also loves the Lord. I get to share my life with him and i wouldn't have it any other way!) I guess it's the part of the song, the sounds and of course just imagining that wonderous night. Our pastor was talking about the events before Christ's birth, pointing out that it all happened so perfectly. And if you stop and think about it, its true. Joseph and Mary were just two regular people, obedient and faithful believers, not royalty. They were scared, but after both being visited by angels, took on the responsibilty of what would change their lives forever. Imagine if there had been room at the inn, if Jesus had been born in a plush room, and had fancy room service. How do you think that would've changed things? The beauty of them having to camp in a barn, around animals and hay, laying in a wooden manger just exudes humility. Jesus never boasted, never walked as though He was above anyone. He was beautifully humble and wonderfully made. His birth story is perfect, and all according to God's miraculous plan. "A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices!" Merry Christmas friends, and Happy Birthday Jesus!
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Merry Christmas!!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
To pick the perfect gift...
Can you believe it's almost Christmas? Ya, it's like a week & a half away! Oh my goodness... I cannot wait! I've not done any shopping. Well, a tad, but not enough to count. This year will be a small year. I don't want anything but maybe a keurig coffee maker. I am making coffee, nailing it one day and then ruining it the next. Of course I don't notice it always until I'm halfway to work, and I take that sip in the car. Ew. What a great way to ruin the yummy creamer I have gifted it with! I tried to convince the Don last night that I needed one... but the least expensive one we found at Walmart was $99. I don't know if I/we can justify spending that much on a coffee maker, when we have one already. However, it would be perfect for me. My cups would be right! We'll see... At least now I have a list of things that my husband does want/need for Christmas. Why is it so difficult to buy for someone that you share your life with?! I mean, I live with this guy, we've been together for 10 years, but I cannot for the life of me figure out what to get him for Christmas (and b-days, too). I really want to get him a puppy, but I can't find one like he wants - a male, long hair, black & tan mini dachshund, to match our Coco. Perhaps it is a sign that I should not get one. (It's pretty blatant that it's not right, huh?) I've picked up something for my mama, but have no idea what to get my mother-in-law (or fathers-in-law). Is it bad to not get anything? I don't expect anything, b/c like I said, I don't want anything. Correction: I don't need anything. I already said I want a keurig & I would love a laptop. But these are things that I can save for and get myself. That's what layaway is for! haha But seriously, do y'all struggle w/what to get your loved ones? One of my bff's makes things for her loved ones. She's crafty. I can totally do that for the ladies. Matter of fact, I just figured out what to do for my mom-in-law. Phew. To top off the fun, we have an office Christmas party luncheon tomorrow, and I've got to get a gift for the white elephant gift exchange! Time to get creative. Last year I got a bottle of scotch and the Anchorman movie. Our boss is just like Ron Burgandy. He and I will constantly quote the movie as if in our own little world... Quite fun. (Look out Walgreens! I'm coming thru!!)
Update on the Pearl mission:
I'm doing well! I have work them almost every day since my birthday, w/the exception of maybe 3 days (that I stayed home/didn't go anywhere.) I picked up a super cute brooch from Pier 1 & love it!
Well, the fun for now must be paused, I've got to do my "real" job. Let me know some of your fun ideas for gifts for in-laws, spouses, etc.
Monday, November 28, 2011
End of November...
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quick table arrangement w/real gords! |
me & the don <3 |
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me & daddy |
Saturday, November 19, 2011
d.i.y. - oh my!
...while you wait: check out the psimadeitmyself.com link - this girl is sharp. i am excited to make some scarves from my old tshirts that don't fit so well anymore!
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Tanlines in November?
Is it possible? Why yes, yes it is. And not to boast, but I'm quite pleased to say that I have some! So my back is a little pink (and oddly enough, my calves), but that's ok. I'm bronzed where it matters. It's nice to have a tan, and even a vacation. Don and I have been fortunate enough to afford the expense of one and time off from work. It has been much appreciated. We've caught up on relaxing, fishing, tanning, reading, some redbox movies; just being together. I've really noticed how clear my mind has been. I've not done a lot of any thinking and I think I've forgotten that this is a great time to be reflective of God. I'm ashamed to admit it even. I mean usually I'm praying more during the day, on my way to and from work, etc. But I've just cleared this mind of mine. It's nice to not be stressed out about work and people, but this is the perfect time to make an effort to focus my thoughts and attention on God. (Whoa, I've taken a turn from my love for scarves, pearls and polish, huh? Well, folks, He is another biggie in my life - THE biggie, so it'll probably be reflected in my blog.) So as I sit here on the beach, watching the don surf fish, I'm taking in the beauty that surrounds me. The waves crashing against the beach, the pinks and oranges of the sky, showing the sun setting, the birds skittering along the shore, and remembering the sunrise this morning (pic attached). All of it God's work. How amazing is this? Truly amazing. So in being thankful for my slightly bronzed skin, time off and a clear mind, Lord, I am thankful for the beauty that you've created.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Yesterday I turned 33. Thirty three. Wow. I'm nearing my "mid thirties" now. Oy! It's been fun being in this decade, I must admit. I've turned over some new leaves, or at least recognized them needing to be. It was time to grow up. And yes, I was wearing my pearls. Let the challenge begin. 365 days of pearls.
We made it down to Jensen Beach safely yesterday, for our much needed week vacation. Just the three if us. It's not but about 3.5 hours from our place, and we lollygagged it down. Why not, right? This place we're staying is in a sleepy looking little neighborhood, and we don't mind at all. But there's a lot around here to explore. We'll fit that in between our plans to do nothing. ;) We're a block from the beach and I can hear it from the backyard, where I'm eating my breakfast & coffee and watching my relentless little Coco sniff out some lizards. She caught a rat the other day at our house, did I mention? Good gracious, that poor, nasty thing. Don had to finish the job bc Coco only turned him into a paraplegic. Sad, but she was born to do it, and its population control. (But still...)
I'm leaving you, for now, with some pics of lil miss in her seat belt, aka "easy rider," (she's riding 'cuz it's easy), and some on the beach. Time for a shower and thoughts of exploration. xoxo
Friday, November 11, 2011
It's Friday, Friday getting down on Friday...
Happy Friday, y'all!
I hope it's been as good a day for you that it has me. It's not been anything in particular, but it started off well, cold for us Floridians, but perfect to me. I love the cold! Now you yankees (I say that with love) may laugh at what we think is cold. Yes, 50 is cold and 40 is super cold!! Fortunately though, our days warm up and it doesn't stick. We heard a "cold snap" was coming thru and I'm not gonna lie, we got giddy bc we know it's bonfire time!! It is so nice to have a yard and room for a fire pit. We spent many a day and night out back just enjoying the fire and chilly weather. Love that smell :) I'm actually outside now! (Picture for ya!) So while I'm here, let me share my new ideas.
Trying to come up with a theme for this blog and if I didn't already mention, I'm thinking I'll "dedicate" it to a working girl's guide to fashion and accessories, on a working girl's budget. I'm talking realistic purchases from normal stores like the ever popular old navy & target. And I like Stein mart too. I like scarves and I love nail polish & lip gloss. I will post for you a picture of today's scarf. Since I posted the pic from work the other day, I figured I'd do it in the same spot. See, the pen means I'm working - haha. I pinned a tie tack of my grandfather's to my scarf; it's an "H" and I love to wear it. I have another of his and I'd like to get them made into a charm bracelet. My friend inspired me when she wore a tie tack from her grandfather that was a small gold boat oar on her scarf. What a great idea. (P.s. my nail color is Essie's A List.)
Oh my gosh I almost forgot about my best idea! I've been wanting to wear pearls more often, because the epitomize southern charm. While lunching with another girlfriend this week, I noticed how pretty she looked in her pearls and we both agreed they're ladylike in every way. So after wearing them more this week & purchasing a pair of earrings last night, I thought it would be fun to wear pearls everyday throughout December. And then I thought, why not all year? I'm thinking the challenge will begin on Sunday, November 13. My 33rd birthday. Game on! ;)
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Sleepy lil bunny
Scaaarrrrfy today
Today I'm sportin' one of my fave scarves, and looks for the fall. Love love this scarf not only for the colors but hello, it's leopard print! Could I go wrong here? I think not. Also, it's taken me nearly 4 years, but I've finally grown out my hair, almost as long as it was the day I got married. It's definitely healthier, that's for sho! So I can finally sport a cute pony. Bangs are a forever friend, but I'm done with the blunt ones. Some of you may now breathe your sighs of relief... While I am pro-hair experimentation, I think I'll save the blunts for my one-day daughter and the rappers. (Lol to those that get it - hey, I'm at work, bored, trying out some humor.)
I will close for now, sharing also a lovely picture of my desk, my home away from home if you will. Note the lovely wire "Lara" that's hanging to the left. My husband made it for me while at work, probably waiting on another concrete truck to bring more mud. Building dreams, all while livin' the dream! ;)
xoxo - fancy

I am in love with sunrises and sunsets! I think I could take pictures every day and not get tired.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011
still trying to get the hang of it
So I'm still trying to figure this thing out, primarily b/c I'm wanting to set up the capability of posting a blog via my cell phone... and guess what? I think I got it! Now I just have to go back to all of the blogs I follow and get it started. To get rid of my yahoo or not? This gmail thing could be cool. But then, I'd have to change all of my contact info on my automatic payments of my bills. Wow, am I all over the place or what? Sheesh.
I wonder how many people go through the world of blogs and read them? I bet if I were more committed with mine, I may just have a few followers. I can't figure out if I want to go the nail polish, lip gloss route, or just random thoughts. I have plenty of those, that's for sure. So why not all?
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carry on |
there, that's all you get. i realize my punctuation is not the best, but don't worry, i'll take care of it. or will i?