Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Has this ever happened to you (or something like it)?

Interesting thing happened to yours truly today whilst shopping at my local drugstore today…  
As most know, Don & I are trying for a baby, and I had purchased an ovulation kit to try to help us find our window.  Since we missed it last time, I wanted to pick up another kit.  So I went to do so, and on the aisle, it was listed as $19.99 (7day pack, store brand).  On the end of the aisle, they were listed at $17.99.  I stood there and wondered if I should swap the one I got down the aisle for one out there, even though it was the same brand.  I thought, “nah, surely they’ll ring up at $17.99.”  It was listed that way on 3 rows, so it wasn’t misplacement.  I walked away w/that little voice of doubt thinking the worst.  As I went to the register, a line was slowly forming behind me as I put my parcels on the counter.  The cashier started to ring things up, and I asked him if “it” (I pointed to the kit in the bag, rather than saying it out loud) rang up as $17.99.  It didn’t.  He would have to do a price check.  I suggested we cancel the order, and I could go to the register in cosmetics to do the price check, b/c of the line that was getting slightly longer.  Nope, he had already called on the phone for a price check.  The line was now about 6 or 7 deep, and the manager popped up at the very end of it (about 10-15 ft away), and asked what we needed.  Rather than hollering out “the ovulation kit” he kindly held up the box.  Well, what would you do if the manager standing behind you, asks the cashier, in front of you, what they needed to check?  You would look, right?  Of course!!  So they all did, and 2 ladies’ eyes got as big as could be, and I just turned red.  The man behind me just looked and I, acting as a lady would, just said, laughing, “Well, I’m trying for a baby! Oh my goodness…”  So the manager then walks over to where they were, and I turned to the cashier and said, “at least you didn’t yell it out, but they all looked anyway!”  I think he was embarrassed, or just not all there…  The manager found the aisle, and from 20 ft away, hollers out, “is it the 1 step test?”  I just was turning as red as a tomato.  (Yes, just bring it, omg!!!)  He walks back to the front, knowing it was embarrassing, and kindly said, “this lady’s trying to have a baby, let’s get her on her way.  Ring it up and key it in at $17.99.  The entertainment’s free!”  Talk about a random thing to happen!  Let’s hope Don & I get that window right, so I can waltz into that drugstore and say, “price check on stretch mark cream!” 


  1. HAHAHAHAHAHA.....OH MY WORD!!!!! How does this happen? Seriously...that's hilarious, but I'm sorry you went through that! OH MY GOSH!

  2. it was hilarious! my mom said, "only you!" haha
