hey all! I know it's been a while, and I apologize for that. I've been a total slacker. I've written down numerous topics to discuss on my blog, but haven't taken the time to sit down and do it. I purchased this cute little 10" laptop, with the intent of doing my social things like pinterest, blogging, etc. I didn't even register my laptop until today, finally!! (for my extended warranty that Walmart provided for $59, a full year after the 2 yr factory warranty expires. nice!) I've not done one blog since. Oh wait, the previous post was on this. So since I don't want to get up and go hunt for my blog topic idea list, I'll just freestyle for a minute or 8. ....and now i don't know what to talk about.
My grandmother Mamanell just took me out to California w/her to see my uncle graduate the first class at his college (and to visit my adorable aunt Mary!!). He was also retiring, so it was kinda a big deal. My mom wasn't up for the trip, being a little more anxious than I (and by "little" I mean a LOT), so I told my grandma that I would gladly go. She even gifted me w/my ticket - bonus!! It was a lot of fun! We were in El Dorado Hills, which is just outside of Sacramento. It was lovely. Not as green (where we were) than here in Florida, but it was pretty. Rolling hills of tan (or gold if I want to sound fancy), with bulls, sheep, cows, llamas. Not llamas, but those things that look like that, and people have them for their fur? Alpacas. Ya, them. It was great! Wine country - Sonoma. So nice. :) Let me first say that my grandmother is 85yrs young. My mom booked us nice seats, towards the front of the plane, with wheelchair service to and from each gate. Everyone at each airport was very pleasant to deal with, so that was a blessing. We flew from Jax to Dallas to Sacramento. I would say that we went the same way back, but I'll get to that part later. I am nervous about flying, I've not flown since my honeymoon 5 yrs ago, so I'm out of practice. I was looking forward to the body scan, and was a little disappointed that it only took like 2 seconds to do it. I thought, with all the hub-bub and crying about it, that it would be very intrusive and annoying. It wasn't. It was like standing in a spray tan booth, but only for 2 seconds. Mamanell got the full pat down, b/c she was in a wheelchair, lucky thing... Ok, so we got off w/out a hitch from Jax, flight was on time, etc. We get to Dallas, get to our gate, board the next plane, and sit for an hour on the plane! Thank goodness for so many things: the a/c was working & it was cold; the flight attendants were on point w/service & friendliness; the passengers were all in good spirits - it was a FULL plane, mind you. One flight attnd. got on the speaker, apologized for the delay, said he didn't really know what was going on, but if we were thirsty, come on back to the galley to get a cold drink. lol! He said that one more time, too. Funny. Then the captain came on and said what was only minor was now major; there was a fuel leak in the wing, and we had to deplane, and get on another, in another terminal, and had to depart in 25 min! Yikes!! So thankfully, Mamanell was strong enough to get up and go, we got our service, rode the train to the next terminal, and after a few more hiccups, got off the ground a couple of hours late. Hey, I got a free drink b/c of it, and I don't mean a coke! So by the time we got to Sacramento, and all tucked in bed, it was 3a.m. our time [Eastern]. We had a great week! Graduation was on Saturday, followed by a luncheon for my uncle, by the faculty. Listen, my uncle David is one of the most humble persons I've ever known; he's just like my grandpa Dad-O (his dad). Had Mamanell & I not been out there to witness the respect, admiration and love this faculty has for him, he would've just said that there was a luncheon, no biggie. It was really awesome to be a part of that, and to see/hear it first hand. The next day we went to Sunday school @ their church, then went to the capital & "old Sac." Monday, traveled 2.5hrs north to Healdsburg and got to visit a couple of wineries. Seghesio & Jordan Winery. Yummy! I am once again a lover of red wine. It's been a while, but I've fallen for it! Tuesday my aunt & I drove up to Cooper Vineyards & were lucky enough to score a private tasting. Thank goodness, b/c it was so tasty. I found my favorite wine there, and bought 4 bottles! It was a nice time, and I enjoyed my trip very much. Had my first In-N-Out burger, so delicious. We also got to see Mamanell's aunt, who is 97yrs old.
By Wed we were ready to come home. I missed my husband terribly, and my little Coco. Mom had been suffering a migraine the entire time we were gone, and Don & my friend Carrie had stayed w/her both, 2 nights each. So kind! My bro went over to take care of her also. So we were ready to get back. Now here's where the real adventure begins. As I was getting ready that morning, I thought twice about putting my watch on, and just trusting my cell phone (since it updates time zones automatically). Then I put my watch on & figured I'd update as I go (as I had done on the way out to CA). This is an important part of the story, just wait. Leaving Sacramento, no problem. We had our boarding passes in safe places, got to our gate no problem. Boarded the plane, landed in Dallas easy. Boom, half way done. I moved my watch forward an hour, and looked at it thinking we had so much more time than I had originally thought/based on our itinerary. We got to the next gate at 5:25 (per the time on the screen there) and I just didn't think about the fact that we had to board at 5:55 for our 6:25pm flight. Looking at my watch, wait, we have more time! Went to the food court, we got a sandwich, drinks. I called my mom, told her all was well, text my husband, even stood in line for frozen yogurt! I got a weird feeling after a little bit, and looked at my phone clock again. 6:26pm. Panic. "Ma'am, what time do you have?" (to a lady sitting across from us.) "6:25" Super panic. Sh@t! I mean, shoot!! We threw all our stuff together and I high-tailed us out of there! Running down the airport, in heels, pushing my granny in a wheel chair, we made it back to our gate. No one was there. Nothing was on the screen w/the flight time, etc. I frantically asked someone sitting there what flight he was waiting for, to which he replied, "Pittsburgh." Shib!! oh no! I ran to the next gate, and asked again. We missed our flight. 5 min prior! Had I not left the gate, had we not sat down to eat, had we not had frozen yogurt, had I set my watch ahead 2 hours, not 1... we would've been okay.
Now, I've seen plenty of movies and tv shows to know what to do next, I asked (frantically) for another flight to Jacksonville. Sure, 7:15 (hope!!) -- tomorrow a.m.!! (NOOOOO!!!) Oh wait, Orlando! Yes, got the same 2 seats on the flight, leaving not 30 min later, no extra charge. Amen, thank you Lord!! We were finally on our way home! I called my husband and gently begged him to go on to Jacksonville's airport, b/c our bags were headed there! So he (in his sling from his shoulder surgery a week prior) went out there and slung my big ol' suitcase & Mamanell's and got them home. I had to rent a car in Orlando, only $22 thanks to my USAA discount, and we headed home!! We landed in Orlando just before 11pm, and rode out of there then. Got Mamanell home safe at 2am, and we were home at 3am. I showered, and hopped into bed. Up at 6:45am just hours later, made it to work on time!! As I was turning the rental car in (I had left it at Mamanell's house, near my work, so I wasn't risking anything), turns out there was a ding in the back bumper. REALLY!?!? They didn't walk around the car or note anything in front of me as I was leaving Orlando, and I wasn't as alert b/c I felt like a fool for missing the flight, and b/c we needed to get home! So I filed a claim w/USAA, and waited. For a week. No response from the rental car folks. Sheesh, really? I called and thankfully got someone just this Friday (a week later) and told her that this was bad business, and didn't make sense for no one to call me. I am in customer service, I get it. But correspondence is key!! So after all this mess, I'm pretty sure that all is fine and the ding was no issue (it was smaller than the guidelines they go by 7 they hit my cc already).
phew................. I would love to go to Cali again. Not thru Dallas. Not wearing a watch. Not without my husband. ;) It's good to be back!
p.s. I promise my next post won't be this long!!
thanks! yes, i'd love to check your blog out! thanks for following :)