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ain't no shame in this one! i feel so full - and blown up! |
How far along? 38 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: If I read the chart right @ my appt this Thurs, still floating around 8lbs.
Maternity clothes? Yep
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Yes, and enjoying it while I can!
Best moment this week: After being told last Thurs 4/18 that I was ok & not dilated, I found out this Thursday that I am now 3cm dilated! I didn't pay attention to what % effaced I am, b/c after I heard 3cm I was thinking, "omg... wow," especially after nothing last week. Made things a little more real (and fun at work!) Don & I took a meal over to our friends (the girl that had her baby last week) and got to visit & see their baby. She is even more precious in real life - and so little! She was 7lbs 9oz born, but she looks so tiny& precious. It was so cute seeing Don hold her, and you know I teared up looking on. Oh I cannot wait!! Another girlfriend & I (and our husbands) had lunch together after church Sunday and shared fun stories, anxieties, etc. She & I are due 3 days apart, so we're hoping they come at the same time (she's having a boy). Sadly, her dr said she's not dilated yet, so who knows... It's been fun having these two girls to be pregnant with! Also had my car seat fitted/inspected by the fire dept. Found out that the ol' Caddy has bucket seats in the rear, which makes it kinda hard to stay level. Also, b/c I got the carseat at a consignment shop, it's missing it's level on it, but they said it was still safe, just to keep it in mind. Oh geez, haven't even given birth & I'm already a bad parent! Fortunately, she will be in a different carseat after a while (this isn't a convertable one, just the newborn) & unfortunately, it didnt' help my case to get a new vehicle. :( haha
Miss anything? laser hair removal!! can't wait to sched that appt. Sleeping on my stomach. Bending over. Shaving!!
Movement? Goodness yes. After that appt Thursday, seeing my friends' baby & eating Krystals - miss Ava would not be still! I guess it was just so exciting for her. I tried to relax on the sofa, but couldn't get comfy b/c of it, so I told my husband I was over it & was going to bed. He came with & we listened to some music as we drifted off to sleep.
Food cravings: I have always loved cream cheese w/bagels, crackers... Loving peanut m&m's, and frozen yogurt.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Not really, I think I'm past that. I just try to be careful.
Gender: girl
Labor signs: nope, still nothing
Symptoms: Soreness, exhaustion, and the waddle is in full effect!
Belly button in or out? dangerously shallow
Wedding rings on/off: Off - I miss my ring.
Happy or moody? Happy & quite anxious!
Looking forward to: My in laws are coming over Saturday to help us clean & get ready for Ava's arrival. The furniture has FINALLY been sanded (thanks mama!), primed (thanks hubs!) & will be painted this weekend - for sure!!! Then it can get moved into Ava's room & all her clothes can be put away, along w/all the diapers. My work threw me a shower today & it was so sweet! They really did a great job & made me feel so special! They got us the pack & play, diapers, a bath tub, and some other things. Oh, and the diaper genie made it's appearance from my friend Jen! Yay!!! Now the only thing left will be to get the monitor, which I have a coupon for from Target (for what wasn't purchased on the registry). Loved!!
Things to do this week: Clean house, paint furniture & relax. Oh, I'd love to squeeze in a mani/pedi, too.
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