Sunday, November 24, 2013

Sunday fun day?

If you want to call cleaning "fun," then ya, I had a super fun day.  I cleaned the bathrooms, scrubbed the tubs and even dropped the comet on the floor sending powder all over myself.  Got some vacuuming done, dusted, swiffered the floors.  I got a wild hair, decided to go with it.  If I had stopped, it would've never been done.  Baby did her napping and play time. Oh, found out she's not afraid of a running vacuum cleaner, but very intrigued.  She followed me all around the house. That was cute.
Speaking of miss Ava, we decided that after two weeks of her waking up in the middle of the night, it is time to put the rice cereal in her formula before bedtime. I need some sleep, she needs to be full.  So this is a learning experience for us. For the past oh I don't know, maybe five months, we've had the perfect sleeper.  As soon as I started saying, "I know it can change at any time...," her sleeping pattern changed.  Obviously she's growing, because when she wakes up, she'll drink 6oz of formula each time.  She still eats every four hours, even after bedtime, where she would stay asleep for 8hrs.  Selfishly I need this just as much as she does.  I may be late in the game to do this rice cereal thing, but I know I'm not alone.  Here's hoping!
Hope y'all have a great short week... gobble gobble day is nigh!!

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