Saturday, April 5, 2014

Shawty is a 10

Well, she was a 10.  Tomorrow she'll be an 11-month old. I'm so behind on my updates!  My apologies.  A lot happened for Ava during her 10th month on this planet.  She started to walk around on her own for short bursts.  And then a week later, 3/20, she was on the move!  Now, her official mode of transport are her two little feet.  It's so stinking adorable to watch a little person walk around.  She'll sneak up on us, like a ninja.  My little one will almost be a year old.  Wow.  Insane.  She's officially in her 9mo clothes, too.  I moved her 6mo clothes from her drawers & closet. And my little obsession with baby shoes is growing.  I got her some adorbs garanimal shoes from wally world the other day. Oh my word.  I don't care if she grows out of them soon.  They're precious.  Ava's getting tired of formula, I think, so we're trying to introduce more foods to her.  She loves her some bananas, sweet potatoes, chicken & turkey.  Oh, and she is head over heels for cherrios.  I must admit I was looking forward to the day when we could introduce her to the yellow box of goodness.  Coco loves them, too.  Thank goodness, b/c Ava pulls them out of her little snack cup and shoves 10 at a time in her mouth, while the other 10 fall on the floor. So our girls love them.  Yay!
yay yogurt & sweet potatoes

cannot handle the cuteness with these shorts!  she looks so retro 

doing a little evening read. daddy called her kevin bacon b/c of the tank & jeans. 


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