Beau's first Christmas!
He was able to enjoy it by napping... and that's quite alright with us. I wasn't sure what to even get him since he technically can't open anything, but I also couldn't let my little babe not have anything under the tree. So yes, he got a few toys, that he can play with in a few more months.
We enjoyed Christmas here with family, and had a low country boil, which we all welcomed as a new tradition. Mmm...
Beau is up to 10.8lbs as of a doctor appt we went to since he caught a bad cold. It turned into RSV, and I didn't know what to do. I was so worried, because Ava was so perfect as a newborn. Not until she went to daycare did she get sick, so I didn't know what to do. He had to have picked it up from Ava & even from me, since the weather changes made my sinuses go crazy. Fortunately, it did not go into his chest or ears. Unfortunately for him, I had to do the suction on his nose, vaporub and the humidifier. It was pitiful, but it went away within a week. We were so glad that it didn't get any worse.
During this 2 month growth, I have transitioned from breastfeeding to formula feeding. I was afraid that Beau wasn't getting all he wanted, and to be honest, I was getting overwhelmed at feeding him all the time, and struggling with Ava and the dog, and anything else that I wanted to do. In other words, I was over it. It's not the same with two children. Ideally, I wanted to breastfeed for months - like 8 or more. But that didn't happen, and that's ok. I stopped beating myself up about it as much.
Little Beau is starting to sleep for longer periods of time, almost all night, which is glorious!! And he's smiling so much. He's lost a lot of hair, or started to about this time, due to cradle cap. It didn't get nasty, but I had to treat it and I think that's what had happened. Hopefully it will grow back as nice as it had been. It had some curl to it, that Ava's didn't. (Thank goodness she has my hair!)
On to the next phase - more sleep, smiles and maybe some activity!!
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