As promised, here is the story of our little Beau's introduction into the world. It's not what we had expected, nor what we "planned" at all, which in itself is a joke according to the big man upstairs. He had much different plans for us, and looking back at it now, I am so thankful that it worked out the way it did.
As many of you know, that have followed my blog, Don and I had decided that a c-section was the best option for us, along with the agreement of my doctors and np. This is because of the issues that I had with the delivery of Ava, and she was a tiny little thing. We had also decided that I was going to have my tubes tied at the same time, so it was all planned out to happen the week before Beau's due date, which was 10/29/15, the Thursday before Halloween (his actual due date). So working up to the week before I was to go out, I was pretty stressed out. I was overdoing myself, and wearing myself as thin as I could. I was on auto-pilot, and didn't know how to just stop. I felt bad about cutting hours short at work, but knew that I had to do it, because I was at the end of my rope. Pair that with a very diva-licious 2yr old, and I had little left in my tank.
The weekend before my appointment, my brother had come over to paint Beau's room. Don had a fishing tournament that he was going to be in on Sunday. So he was at home before the day he would be gone. (It was inshore, and in town, so he would get back as soon as I needed him, if necessary.) I had a feeling that Beau would be "early," and this Saturday, things just felt so real. I was taking it easy, trying to give Ava my all, and even napped with her, knowing it would probably be the last nap that we would have as just the two of us. It was very sweet. In the early evening, I looked at Don and told him he probably needed to cancel his fishing tournament - this baby is going to come early. Again, the feeling. My brother was laughing, he probably didn't know what to expect. I had been updating my mother throughout the day/night, so she was prepared. So on the evening went, and we put Ava to bed. I decided that I would just sleep with her, in her "big bed," because I started having contractions. Fast forward to about 10pm, and they were about 10-15 minutes apart. I started timing them at that point. Yes, it's real! I showered, washed my hair, and you know I made sure my eyebrows were on! I text mom around 11 and told her that she needed to come on out to the house, because they were getting closer. Much closer. I called the dr's office and was able to speak with the nurse on call, and got the "instructions" that I had already pretty much known. Mom got out at midnight, and we sent her straight to bed! On and on the contractions came, closer and closer. By 2am, they were 7-5 min apart, I called the nurse and told her I was going to get to the hospital shortly. I have to add, while I was going through the contractions, I was calm, not as scared, and even joked to Don, "thank God for modern medicine, and not having to feel this birth! Imagine how it's been for women all through the years with no meds!" We had a chuckle. So after a brow touchup, and whispering to mom that we were leaving, we left for the hospital and arrived at 3a.m. As we were walking up to the hospital, the contractions were much stronger, and I was ready to get some meds.
By the time I was wheeled up to triage, they were much stronger. It was like Beau knew where he was. I had to go through bloodwork, and all the questions - including multiple, "are you sure you want to get a c-section? It's major surgery..." "Yes! It was the plan. I'm getting my tubes tied, too. Why do you keep asking me? When can I get my meds?!" I was told it would be 30+ minutes to get any kind of meds, and the contractions were getting more intense by the minute. And closer! I hadn't been checked to see how dilated I was because I was up for a c-section, so when they checked me, I was at 5-6cm! Fortunately, the doctor that was performing my c-section was the doctor on call, and she arrived quickly. I asked her why they kept asking me about the c-section, and reminded me that we were still waiting on blood work to get back for any meds to be administered. I asked when the blood work would be back and they said "he" was coming upstairs. I said, "he's coming?" and they said, "he's coming? Are you ready to push?" They thought I was talking about Beau, but I wasn't. But when they asked me if I was ready to push, my response was, "he's coming. Yes, I need to push." They checked me again, and I was at 8cm. Don and I just looked at each other and I said I was ready. Whatever! We didn't know what else to do, I wanted to get drugs, I didn't want to tear like I did with Ava. I was scared, but ready to do something. I felt like Beau was right there!! They got to it and rushed me to a room at that point. Send up the anesthesiologist anyway!

I got to a room around 4am, and was just going with the contractions, and NOT quietly. The anesthesiologist arrived and he just looked at me like a crazy person. I couldn't be still, I was in pain. I asked him how long it would take to get the epidural, and he said, "ten minutes." I was like, "forget it!" Don told me later that he was at the door talking to the nurses, saying he couldn't do anything with me, because I couldn't be still. Shortly after 4-something, the doctor broke my water (weird feeling), and I felt like I had to push. At the right time, I gave it my all, nothing. But the Dr very calmly said, "I'm looking at his head, right here, and his black hair." OMG. Really? I had my nurse's hand and locked eyes with her while Don fanned me. I had no meds, I had no iv of anything (it fell out!), I pushed. Oh wow. Y'all, what they say about the 2nd baby being easier, for me, it was true. The doctor had to only make a very small tear, which I didn't care about at that time, I pushed a couple more times, felt that "ring of fire," told them my a** felt like it was going to explode, but pushed with my all. The feeling of a baby popping out was incredible. Phenomenal. And then the body. The relief was immediate. It was literally the best feeling in the world. (And then the placenta, that was weird, but almost equally relieving.) Out came a beautiful baby boy!! A perfect, 7lb, 5oz, 19 3/4" long baby, with a head full of dark brown hair. He was absolutely beautiful, and looked exactly like daddy! I have a baby pic of Don and they are twins. I still haven't found it, but when I do, I will do a side-by-side comparison. I clung to this baby, lots of skin-to-skin contact and it was so awesome. I'm telling you, that feeling of pushing a baby, feeling every bit of it, and then literally forgetting it once you feel that release - I get it now. I just looked at my doctor, as she was stitching me up (lol!) and kept saying how that was phenomenal, incredible. I couldn't really talk - it was just amazing. And so completely different from Ava's delivery. I was so happy to be done, and so completely grateful that it didn't take as long as hers, and that I didn't tear like I did with hers. I was up shortly afterwards, and walking, going to the bathroom, just so different.

Later on that same day, I made the decision to not get my tubes tied. Don said he would consider getting it taken care of on his end, and I will completely go with him on that! I just was over the entire thing. I was super happy with the way things went, I wasn't in pain like I could've been, and wanted to ride that high as long as I could. So I did.
My mom brought Ava up later to visit, and she wasn't really into the baby. I wasn't too surprised, nor was I hurt - I almost would rather her not be too touchy-feely with him at first. Plus, we were in a hospital, and mommy was in a bed, so she didn't know what to think. Don actually went home Sunday night, and gave mom some rest. They spent the day together, daddy & daughter, so that was special. I'm actually not super into a lot of visitors, so it was nice to have that quiet time alone with the baby. Being "healthy" and able to walk around myself, made it easier and much less stressful, alone. I had a couple of girlfriends come to see me, so that was nice. And Don brought Ava up later. He had to go back to work Tuesday, so I was alone again, enjoying our time. Came home Wednesday and boy was I ready. I missed my little girl, and wanted to get home. Mom came to get me (finally), and we made the trip home. Don had to work, and felt so bad that he couldn't bring me home, but that's the life of a business owner. I really have no harsh feelings about that, I reassured him. If the delivery had gone differently, so would the homecoming and his time off. But thankfully, it all went well, and according to God's plan. Which we were totally on board with.
Thank you, God for our perfect, beautiful baby boy. Our family, while forever changed, is complete.