Sunday, December 15, 2013
Oops - flew by Thanksgiving
How many days until Christmas?

Sunday, November 24, 2013
Sunday fun day?
If you want to call cleaning "fun," then ya, I had a super fun day. I cleaned the bathrooms, scrubbed the tubs and even dropped the comet on the floor sending powder all over myself. Got some vacuuming done, dusted, swiffered the floors. I got a wild hair, decided to go with it. If I had stopped, it would've never been done. Baby did her napping and play time. Oh, found out she's not afraid of a running vacuum cleaner, but very intrigued. She followed me all around the house. That was cute.
Speaking of miss Ava, we decided that after two weeks of her waking up in the middle of the night, it is time to put the rice cereal in her formula before bedtime. I need some sleep, she needs to be full. So this is a learning experience for us. For the past oh I don't know, maybe five months, we've had the perfect sleeper. As soon as I started saying, "I know it can change at any time...," her sleeping pattern changed. Obviously she's growing, because when she wakes up, she'll drink 6oz of formula each time. She still eats every four hours, even after bedtime, where she would stay asleep for 8hrs. Selfishly I need this just as much as she does. I may be late in the game to do this rice cereal thing, but I know I'm not alone. Here's hoping!
Hope y'all have a great short week... gobble gobble day is nigh!!
Monday, November 18, 2013
Monday's outfit
Hey y'all! Now that I know what "ootd" stands for, I'm trying to get into the swing of things. So here's my outfit of the day:
Garnet boatneck 3/4 sleeve top, Target (only $12 hello!)
Star print Rockstar jeans, Old Navy (saw them on the sale table while I was in line, $17, done.)
Black suede flats with zipper details, Target a few years back, on sale
Camel bag, Forever 21, sale maybe $20 or less
And my fave piece, my statement necklace from Lily Wang,, $14 (Y'all seriously have to go to this site for your statement pieces - great prices, pieces, sales! It's def my go-to.)
Oh ya, and I figured I'd share the other - I waited as long as I could. Six months, and baby got a pedi. I decided to match her pedi to mine, butter London's "Yummy Mummy," a perfect light gray/taupe. I polished my finger nails with "All hail the Queen," a slightly darker taupe. Perfect fall neutrals. Yep, my little diva in training.
Sunday, November 10, 2013
High times
What a beautiful weekend! I hope y'all enjoyed your weekend like we did. Saturday we took it easy, did a little shopping and had some fun with friends. Sunday was church, relaxing and a lot of playing with miss Ava. This little girl has some energy! They told us at church when we picked her up from the nursery that they didn't want her to leave! How sweet it is to hear that they love her and that she's so happy. Such a relief, too!
Don set up Ava's high chair this afternoon. Since she's eating now, that bumbo chair isn't cutting it. She wiggles and squirms all around. So the big girl is sitting... big!
Thursday, November 7, 2013
My little ghosty ghost
Happy Halloweenie!! Miss Ava was a ghost for her 1st Halloween! Don and I browsed through pinterest to find a cute costume for her. Oh wait, who am I kidding, I browsed, he picked. ;) It was so fun making this, too! Omg and so easy. And inexpensive. I probably spent $10 on it. I had her onesie & capri pants already, so I bought ribbon, tulle and hair bows. (Knowing how easy tutus are to make, I see many, many more in Ava's future - and Coco's!) I must say, she was the cutest little ghost around! (Until she pooped and got it on her outfit after our first stop, so I had to pull the back up pants out... back up pants, good call mama.) We stopped by Ava's "god parents'" house, my grandma's and my mama's. This little ghost sure brightened some spirits! No tricks, only treats.
On our way home, Coco climbed in Ava's car seat to snuggle. They were two tired little girls.
I blinked & it's been 6 months!
Sunday, October 27, 2013
This week, at 5 1/2 months, miss fancy pants is hitting some more milestones. Not only is she eating more food like oatmeal, banana and applesauce (which she loves btw), she's sitting up on her own! I had to sit her up, but she's staying up for a good bit. She'll topple over a few times, but she's pretty much strong enough to hang for a while. It's hilarious watching Ava get on her hands and knees too, and rock back and forth. Don calls her "bronco billy" when she does that. I'm afraid crawling will soon follow... time to baby proof the house! (Which means I can shop for an ottoman and side table & get rid of the coffee table!)
At the pumpkin patch
Last weekend we went to the pumpkin patch with miss Ava. I was not sure how to do this pumpkin patch thing, obviously since we've not been with a baby before... but it was so fun. A local church had an amazing patch and we got some great pics. And pumpkins! Five to be exact, two big'ins and three perfect little ones. Oh and a crazy gourd.
It was a sweltering 89 degrees and we were sweating! Ava was so good though, didn't fuss at all. I'm telling y'all, she's a keeper!
Happy Fall Y'all!!
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
So this is 5 months....
Saturday, September 21, 2013
just to be clear...
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Football, fall & someone is now four months old
Another love: Fall. That means pumpkin drinks, candles, lotions even hand sani. On the agenda this weekend: go to bath & body and stock up on the scents. I've seen a lot of posts about the drinks from Starbucks and they're looking tasty! Mmm maybe I'll get one on my way to bath & body! Ya that sounds good.
So on to the best part, our little miss. So much had happened this week! Little miss Ava has moved to her crib, it's official, she's in it to win it. I put her in this week or last week and she was so good, sleeping through the night. We're ALL sleeping better, so it's amazing. She's rolling over back to front, too. She had done dint to back last month, and now she's doing the opposite. I've also stopped breast feeding her. Ya it was extremely difficult, but I guess worse things have been known to happen, so I'm super grateful and thankful that I could breast feed her for so long. I've stopped pumping at work, too. That's been difficult, too, but it's just not convenient for me. Ava got all her nutrients from me and my milk for the first three months. It's just hard coming to terms with her not drinking mommy's milk. *sigh* I keep telling myself or could be worse. All in all, its been a pretty big week here. So as I lay here, finishing this up, I'll be staring at Ava on the baby monitor. Coco has been watching over Ava while she sleeps, it's adorable. What's adorbs is how Ava's recognized Coco now and wants to grab her. Coco just sits there and takes it. Such a good big sister!
Well I'm about to fall asleep. Y'all have a great weekend & Go Jaguars! Go Steelers!
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loving on sweet coco |
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lounging with daddy |
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lounging with daddy, in my cute giraffe shorts |
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Go Gators!! |
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Guess who's 3 months old!
I'm still pumping twice a day at work, and breast feeding at home. I'm coming to grips with the possibility of giving Ava more formula during the day, or at night too, in case I don't have enough milk for her. I'm okay with this, but it's not been easy to come to terms with. I provide her with her nourishment, and to think that I may be running low on that, or not be able to, that's heart breaking. But again, it'll all work out in the end.
Nanny is working out very well, so that's a huge blessing. D and I are enjoying this parenthood gig, loving pretty much every moment, aside from the occasional middle of the night waking up's Ava surprises us with. But she's otherwise still sleeping thru the night - yippee. Coco loves her little sister too, it's adorable. Has already barked at a person and another dog to back up! Never biting, just hollering at them. And I've still not sampled my breast milk... can't bring myself to do it!
All in all, life is great, not that I expected anything less!
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
She's a 10
Little miss has finally reached 10 lbs! We are so blessed, she's such an amazing little bunny. She sleeps through the night, smiles a ton & is overall perfect. Her Dr said so! Every day I just love her more, and our family is so complete. I almost hate to say it, because I want more children, but Ava's been so perfect, I don't want to risk it. But the next little one will be good and perfect inn their own way.
"Every good and perfect gift is from above." James 1:17
Saturday, July 6, 2013
2 months // Happy 4th of July!
Look who's already 2 months old! Little miss has been growing on along, getting a little chunk on her body, being a little sweetie. Her sleeping pattern had been great for us, every three hours, and after midnight she would sleep until 5/6 a.m. That was going to be great for my mornings back at work. However, this week, hitting her two month mark, she flipped the script on us. A few days she was waking up every three hours after midnight, but thank goodness that only lasted a few nights. Then she decided to fall asleep around 10:30 p.m., and wakeup at 4 a.m. Now don't get me wrong, I am super thankful for the long stretch of sleep, but dang, 4:00?! Why not 5:00? So that's been different. Needless to say, there have been a couple of mornings we've woken up in the recliner...
Monday, July 1, 2013
Full time...
Today was the day I'd been dreading for the past two months - my official full day back at work. I had been doing just fine with my half days but this day brought back all of my new mommy insecurities; will Ava make it without me? Will I manage without her for 10 hours? Omg 10 hours?!?! What was I thinking? There's no way she or I will make it that long without each other! Obviously we did, though. Don was off work today, so he got to play Mr. Mom and he loved it. I got some adorable picture texts & updates on her eating times. He's her father, of course she was in good hands. But that was not a worry for me. I just didn't want to be without my favorite little accessory. I mean, this little chunker is adorable!
So there was nothing to worry about, all went well. What will be hard though, is when she starts crawling, talking, waking... I've got some time before that though, phew! So for now, I'll hold her little body and listen to her breathe as heavy as a. little baby can do. I thought she was crying to nurse, but when I changed her wet diaper, out she went! Gosh, I love this baby.
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Back to work!
In a nutshell, what we've been going through during my time out, and while I was preparing to return to work has been nothing short of interesting. Primarily in regards to child care. My mom is set to take care of Ava only 2 days a week - Mon & Tues. Originally we had found a nanny months ago, but due to some family complications, she had to back out. I was devastated, because I really liked her, and because I was to return to work in 2 weeks, but completely understood. Family comes first. That's what my concern was for - my family. After speaking to my work, mother, father, husband, trying to have everyone on the same page, I had a decision to make. Do I find another nanny, or do I look for a part time job? It's this a sign? Surely it couldn't be, how could I make a decision in a week, that would affect our family for some time to come? We prayed about it a lot. I couldn't walk away from a job I'd been at for 9 years. Not that easily, and not after the way they'd been to me during this maternity leave (so good!). Plus who leaves a secure job after 9 yrs, having just had a baby, and just bought a house, with no job to go to? Um... not I! I went in the hunt quickly for another nanny. My mom put her feelers put at her church, I went to my church, facebook, friends. My church didn't really have a network, but fortunately, mom's did. Almost immediately, within a day or two of mom contacting someone, we had a response. Amen! I met with our prospective nanny, and immediately had a good feeling. Not one of desperation, but one of comfort. At least ease. After she came to our house and Don got to meet with her both of us said a prayer of thanks. And I realized that this was my sign. That God will provide where there's a need. Not always in our time, but in His. So ultimately, my place is here, at my job, doing what I do. He will provide what we need to live day by day, to support our family, to afford a nanny, too make it. Over and over my husband told me, "it'll be okay," but sometimes that's hard to believe. One evening he cut me off from my fretful rant, took my hands in his, and started praying. When I let myself just stop and notice what is going on, get focused on the issue and realize that I cannot control everything, a great sense of relief comes. I felt better, feel in love a little more with my husband for paying with me, and put my energy where it mattered most - in our family and baby. It will work out, and it is. My husband, my baby, my God - they are my focus. As long as I remember this, and keep doing this, things will always be okay.
1 month... where did the days go?
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2 weeks! |
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5 weeks - first family shot! |
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Ava's first smile (no gas!) |