Saturday, April 5, 2014

A moment of panic...

A girlfriend of mine came over to go through all of Ava's clothes & the hand-me-downs that were given to us, for her little one due in May.  Ava was being very helpful pulling all of the clothes out, sharing cheerios and ransacking the room. So when daddy came home, I left her in his care.  He was in the living room, with some fishing on tv, and Ava was entertaining herself. At one point I even came into the room and asked if she was being a good girl.  Of course she was!  Well, a while later, I heard a snore, and after that, I noticed it had gotten pretty quiet out there.  Normally there's some banging around, but nothing.  Mind you, I am in the front bedroom, separated by a wall or two, and talking with my friend, awww'ing and separating clothes.  I decided to go peek out there, and when I did, I found daddy asleep.  Coco was sleeping on the love seat.  Not alarmed.  Ava was not on the floor.  I asked Don, "where's the baby?" He opened his eyes, sat up with a strange look on is face, as if to say I was crazy.  I did a lap around the room, b/c sometimes Ava will sit on the other side of the loveseat and look outside.  No baby.  Not  hiding behind the dining room table. Not in the kitchen. Panic slowly decides to show. I went to her bedroom.  Nothing. Not in the bathroom, either.  I came out and Don calmly told me to get my camera.  Sigh. Panic can go back to where it came from.  I was expecting to find her asleep in my closet, where she goes to play sometimes when we're in the bedroom.  Nope, she found a new bed. Up comes the cuteness.  I almost threw up.
 I've wanted another puppy, but kinda wanted it to be a boy.  I guess I'll settle.  When she woke up, she looked around like "where the heck am I?" I was watching her from the sofa, folding her laundry and gently called to her.
And thus the hashtag lives on... #sodamncute

(sorry mama)

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