Monday, November 19, 2012

It was definitely a "Manic Monday"

For starters, I woke up thinking I was running early, had my shower and was dressed by 7 and got my hair fixed, makeup and was ready to walk out the door at 7:25.  While I was getting ready, though, I thought it was a little weird that my watch on my bathroom vanity was slow.  I even stopped for a moment, thought, "hmm, that's weird," and then I adjusted the time to match what was on my cell phone.  Cell phones can't be wrong, right?  I mean, it had been charging all night long!  So as I was walking out the door, grabbing some oatmeal & a 'naner, I noticed the clock on the microwave read 8:10.  What?  That can't be right!  I called in to work, asked a coworker what time it was, to which he replied, "11 after 8."  OMG.  I quickly told him what was up, and was out the door. Mind you, it takes me about 35 min to get to work. So ya, I was 45 min late to work.  All of that mess, and I was to leave early today!  (Remember the driver's license debacle from last week?)  I had to run out the social security office to get my name changed on my card, so that I could get a new driver's license all legit-like.  I thought I had all my doc's w/me, I had the copies of my marriage certificate, name changes, etc.  I was worried it would take forever, but my brother said it shouldn't really.  Thank goodness.  (I was talking to him b/c our mom had a terrible headache and needed help w/the dog - I couldn't make it, but he did after work, thankfully.  What got me stressed from that was thinking I'll definitely have to get child care, b/c if she has a migraine like this when baby H is born, she can't watch it! goodness...) So I got to the ss office, got my #, was all checked in and only had to wait like 10 min, maybe less.  As I got to the window, the nice lady asked me for my doc's - copies were fine, but these weren't legit ones.  omg again!  Well, since I live about 15 - 20 min from the office, I decided to rush home & get the docs I needed. I made it w/in the hour!!  What's crazy is I told myself to get the originals last night!!!  I knew I would need them, but I guess the pregnancy dumbness got me.  I rushed back in to the ss office, checked in again, and only waited again, less than 10 min.  I went to the counter, and was done in like 3 min.  Good griefus!  But it's done!!  I should have it in 7-10 business days, and then I can go get a legit driver's license, instead of having to carry around this temp pass w/my expired license.  LOL.
What made it all worthwhile was hearing my baby's heartbeat, beating strong & healthy.  That was legit.  ;)
Monday was hectic, but I got what I needed done, I'm alive, healthy & am about to get started on a shepherd's pie for my love.  He's been working on the same pool all day long, and will come home frustrated.  Note: it's 6:30 pm, and he's been working since about 8:00, out in the ocean cold air.  I've worked days that long, but not outside all day, getting physically exhausted.  I better get a beer ready!


p.s. I was going through some old posts, and ran across this one:
I was frustrated w/the thought that I wasn't going to get pregnant -- and I was!!  Oh how life throws us curveballs.   God certainly is smiling from that one!

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